Joy To The World! There's A New MMP!

Spaz!!! :smiley: How you doin’…?

It’s 5:37 PM on Christmas Eve. Why am I at work?

What, it’s because I’m a heathen in an un-Christian country, you say…? :confused::rolleyes::mad: :smiley:

{{{Sahi}}} – as the Adamm’s Family movie said, “You don’t choose family”…

Ugh. My mind is too dirty, AND I spend too much time on this board :slight_smile: . The proof: The other day I couldn’t remember what BDSM was called, and the first term that came to mind was SDMB. Heh.

Merry Christmas Eve, all!

Pshaw - this is a normal week for me: working straight through which is just fine by me. No SO or family to waste the day away with anyway.

At least I can enjoy Chinese Christmas tomorrow. In the news industry there is an unofficial tradition (for those stations not too stingy to do it) to purchase a Thanksgiving spread on Thanksgiving and a Chinese spread on Christmas.

The place that has provided for our station each year is pretty good. I look forward to the meal, and the good cheer of my coworkers. Usually we have few shows to cover, and little news happens, so (knock on wood) it’s easy work.
So to everyone Merry Christmas! All is good.

They are anagrams, after all :wink:

This is a good thing in a person!

So… how you doin’…? :wink:

Yet more proof that Teh Jooz control the media!

**2gig ** Chinese sounds good to me.
I don’t know what we’re having. Normally we have brunch type foods because our celebration is early so everyone can go to the next celebration and then the next celebration.

I’ll be working as usual.

I’ve got to get started on laundry instead of sitting here playing all day. I wonder if the washer is available?

I’m doing all right.

As a bumper sticker I once saw said, “A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

Ah, I understand, and invitation to participate in certain social past times.

So Bro called to say he was coming, and then he took longer than he normally would have after such a call, and it turns out that he’d just gotten a call that his best friend’s father is in the hospital for 3-4 days although “oh, it’s not serious” (not serious and they’ve hospitalized him on Christmas Eve? It wern’t nuthin’ the eye woond an’ he had it in 'is hand!), so the meal was kind of rushed, and then I had a bathtub of pots to wash (some of them only get used once a year and are too large for either the machine or the sink).

Then my aunt (Dad’s sis, so the one from the somewhat rational side of the family) called, she’s having hip surgery again on January 21st.

Too many hospitals everywhere…

Nooner, a C1. Yeah, yeah. I did say it was tiny!

Marcel Marceau was doing his bit as a street performer when some guy in the crowd screamed, “I hate that act” & drew his gun. I told him to put his gun away & move on. He turned & glared at me but said he would if I could give him just one reason that he should.
I calmly told him, “A mime is a terrible thing to waste!”
::runs off to hide::

Christmas songs my way

This one?

I like the way you think, wasted (mind) or not… :smiley:

I am still in the battle for pinworm hill. Gross gross gross.

It’s raining like crazy here. I’m done with laundry and I’m having some quality time with the TV and some crocheting. I think I might be due for a dose of ice cream… :smiley:

This was may (least)favorite fact:


Howdy Y’all from Mom’s ‘puter in Ye Olde Hometowne. The big news is a shih tzu (sp?) has taken up residence. Mom said he was at the door to her flower room Sattidy mornin’. She said at first she thought it was a cat cause it was not quite daylight yet so she opened the door and in he came. Keeeyoooote little booger! Looks sump’n like this. Anywho, I was sent on a mission to find doggie food as she’s been feedin’ him boiled chikin and that’s probably not the best thing. So I bought some chikin ‘n rice doggy food and a beg of doggy bacon treats. The treats are a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hit! :smiley: He has a rabies tag but mom has not been able to reach anybody at the vet’s office number etched on the tag. I have a feelin’ she might not try ummm… too hard as he is just such a sweet little booger.

I’ll come back later and read all the excitatement everybody has posted.


Reminds me of the zombie pinworm thread we had here on the Dope a couple of months back.

In all seriousness, I hope you get rid of the nasty things soon.

Interesting, a few months ago one turned up at my friend’s door. She tried to find his home, for real she did and now she has a new dog. So tell your mom it looks like she just got a Christmas gift. He looks a lot like the one who chose my friend, but I doubt if her little Oliver trotted that far.

Yes, you spelled “shih tzu” correctly, I believe.

I met someone who had a nice little dog. I asked her what kind of dog it was. She said he was a “shit-poo” - a shih tzu/poodle mix. :slight_smile: