Joy To The World! There's A New MMP!

Oh we will. I am doing an all day laundry-thon with my husband and I have bleached the bathrooms about 5 times already.
Everyone has been medicated except me since I am pregnant, and this will be conquered!

Hi everyone! Haven’t posted in here for a while, but now that I’m temporarily (I hope!) a lady of leisure I have some time on my hands. :slight_smile:

When I was in fourth grade, our teacher Mrs Rogers would “treat” us each Friday with a “chapter” from the “pinworm story” which she told from personal experience (I think I remember her German Shepherd being involved) She planned it out so that the last chapter was told on the last full Friday of the school year, at a picnic in her HUGE back yard. I remember absolutely none of the details other than her cool house and all the climbing trees in the yard.

What a weird teacher, LOL :wink:

What are my chances of getting that marinade recipe? :slight_smile:

Good news: my sink is working correctly now.

Bad news: all three of us (DH, HFM, and me) have the grouchies. The bird doesn’t, but then she never does.

If this morning wasn’t cold enough, I’m sitting here getting colder & colder until I remember that the programmable thermostat thinks today is a weekday & therefore has dropped the temp during the day. :smack:
If they made one with a “programmable temporary” setting (meaning I could set the override for tomorrow now rather than waiting to do it in the morning) I would totally buy it.

Doggy is back safe and sound with his family thanks to the oh so loveable bear. I took a little ride up in the subdivision behind mom and Frank’s place. Mind you, this is not the house I grew up in. Mom and Dad sold that place and bought this nice little farm house in 1984. Thus, I had never ridden up in that subdivision before because, well, no reason to do so. Sure enough I saw a flyer about a lost dog. One look and I knew it was Gizmo (doggie’s name). I copied down the number and called. A couple came down to mom’s and Frank’s and Gizmo went nuts when he saw ‘em. So YAY!!! Gizmo is home with mommy and daddy. They were laughin’ and cryin’ and carryin’ on about how this was the absolute best Christmas gift they could have gotten. So, no doggy lil’ bro anymore but a very happy doggy, mommy and daddy.

Hope everyone is havin’ a good day and all the sickies are feelin’ better.

Awwww Spidey
I could keep you warm ::batting eyes:::

I’m glad Gizmo found his home but maybe your mother would like one of her own?

There, I’ve finished wrapping up my presents for my dad and sister. (My mother having disappeared, I didn’t get anything for her.)

I wrapped 2 presents for my dad (a CD and a box of shortbread) and one present for my sister. Well, it’s not really just one present. It’s a bag shaped like an ice-cream sandwich, and it contains lots of littler gifts I got for my sister.

Good thing is, if you make yourself another idiot cat out of clay, he’ll never knock anything over again.

Up, at irk. Waiting for stuff to break.

Love the ones you’re with.

Swampy, I think I’m getting one better than they did! :wink:
Nuts hope the gift came before your left. My doorbell just rang & I saw a big brown twuck outside. Hmmm, what am I getting? Turns out it was what I ordered on Friday that they said would take 3-5 days or so to show up (I thought that was business days, not calendar days). Go Macys, you’re awesome!

You have a lot of strength EmG. Hugs!

Oh, right…
Damn, must be a difficult holiday season for you :frowning:
Hang in there… {{{Emily}}}

Here is Frosty (Frosting) the Snow Man by my 5 year olds:

Little Lady’s verse:

Frosting the Snow Man
Was a Jolly grain of snow
With lots of friends to go and go
With him on a big adventure.

Little Man’s Verse:

Frosting the Snow Man
Was a very happy snow
With a chop chop chop
And a pumpkin nose
And two eyes made out of snow

It’s now officially Christmas (what? of course it’s determined according to Bethlehem time! :D) so

Merry Christmas, y’all!! :slight_smile:

Thanks all. :slight_smile:

I delivered some Christmas cookies to some friends today. I was asking for $24 for the cookies, but they gave me $30 and said to keep the change!

Howdy sis’s ‘puter! Gettin’ ready for this evenin’s festivities with bil’s family.

Apes HEE! Those are now my favorite Frosty lyrics. :smiley:

SariMom says she misses Gizmo, so who knows.

Mom, you need to rename the pup to Spaz;)

My nickname too, this week, as I’ve managed to spill every single purchased cup of coffee, lol.

It’s nearly 70, with a WARM wind coming from SandyYeggo way, and I’m enjoying it. Looking forward to hot chocolate with Kahlua tonight with my sweetie. I hope everyone has a great Christmas Eve, :slight_smile: