Juggling - can you do it?

I’m curious how many Dopers can juggle. We’ll define it as being able to complete at least 10 throws with three objects of your choice. You get three attempts.

And please, no cats.

I can juggle. Practiced at the pool table in my college dorm until I got the hang of it.

Been juggling since I was 16.

Three-ball, four-ball, some one-ball manipulation. Pins, rings, knives and torches, when I can find them.

Bowling balls, back when I was buff. Basketballs. Bus tokens.

Tons of fun. I just taught a friend of mine how to pass.

I can do up to five, or three in one hand. Also many impressive yo-yo tricks.

Always meant to buy some pins but then I fell in with a group of friends with a violent hatred for juggling. They’re suppressing their latent hippie/renfest tendencies. Poor things.


The standard juggling fare…
clubs(3), balls(2-one handed, 3/4/5 two-handed) rings(up to 5), beanbags, fruit, etc.

and NOT so standard…
bowling balls (six pounders only please), hula hoops, metal milk-shake mixing cups, BB’s, hammers, four-way lug wrenches.

I’ve got some tennis balls that I’ve filled with lead shot. Excellent upper body work-out.
I prefer lacrosse balls. Easy to see and grip, and a good weight.

If you want to learn, I’d suggest getting a set of square beanbags, usually available at magic shops. and then practice over your bed. Beanbags roll very little if you drop them. And practicing with your knees against the side of the bed keeps you from having to bend over so much to retrieve them when you drop them.

I can juggle three balls. (I learned from the "Kompleat Klutz Guide to Juggling.) I’ve tried four and met with total, abject failure. Anyone have any tips?

Yes – 2 balls in one hand, and 3 in two hands. Haven’t made it up to 4 yet.

Oh, and that’s tennis balls, pool balls, beanbags, etc. Haven’t made it up to bowling balls or chainsaws yet. :wink:

Like Robot Arm, I learned at a pool table, but in military barracks. My friend who taught me made me juggle in bare feet, and he whacked me with a cue stick if I danced out of the way of a dropped ball. Wax on, wax off.

I never managed more than three objects. Usually tennis balls, apples, stuff like that, but juggling ice-cubes and cherries in idle moments earned me extra tips when I worked as a bartender.

A little, but it was while ago I tryed.
I do wish I could it better though.

Just your basic three object juggler here. Nothing fancy like torches,pins,chainsaws etc. Learned from a magazine while babysitting one night many many moons ago.

I used to be able to juggle when I was younger. Two in one hand and three in two hands. Small objects (started with tennis balls) only.

It started when I was ~12, my neighbour had some cousins visit from England for the summer and they showed me a game called “Plimsey (?sp) Mother Brown” which consisted of ‘juggling’ tennis balls against a wall in different ways.

I can’t remember if adding a third was part of the game or just something we did to make it harder, but it was a small leap from against the wall to in the air juggling.

I’m not sure I still could now though.

I can do a few different variations with three balls and if we only need 10 to qualify I can pull off four from time to time (well, it’s more like two in wach hand).

I was taught by an uncle who rented himself out as a clown to supplement his income. He could do five balls or rings, catch em behind his neck, on his foot etc. I was only about eight at the time. I bring this up because one of my regrets in life occurred later that week when I was on Parliament Hill for Canada Day. A juggling clown offered me the tennis balls he was using in a condescending “Would you like to try this impossible thing little boy?” kind of way. Despite my mother’s encouragement I got stage fright and froze (fucking clowns). I only regret it because this has become a little narrative which rears its ugly head every time the family gets together. I mean, cut a guy some slack, I was eight. sigh

Count me in among the simple jugglers (2 in one hand, 3 in two). I’ve always wanted to learn how to juggle clubs, but never had the patience (or the clubs) to sit down and do it. So I content myself with playing around with 3 balls (under the leg, behind the back, simple stuff).

lets see how my quest to become a jester is going…

I can juggle three objects of varying size/shape fairly easily

Circle juggling is my current endeavor, its more difficult

I play with a toy called a diabolo – two sticks, a string between them, and an hourglass shaped axle to spin on the string. I’ve been doing this and am very accomplished at it (have my own trick on diabolotricks.com)

Flower sticks – these are fairly new to me, I’ve been playing with them for a month. I’m learning them quickly and I seem to be doing well (5-10 minutes between drops)

I can juggle too.

I can only do the three ball thing. I have not tried to juggle with anything else or tried anything like 4 or 5 balls.

Learned one night at a class with my brother and dad. It took me ages to get the hang of it, but when I did, I was the best of the three of us.

Wouldn’t mind learning how to juggle with something like clubs too, that would be fun.


I can’t do it. I’ve tried and tried and tried. I’ve been taught by people who are master jugglers. And i still can’t juggle. sigh

<perk> I’m quite good with a hula hoop though.


I can juggle. Been doing it for about 15 years now. Can juggle almost anything too (weight of the object permitting) - except knives. Haven’t been brave enough to try and juggle anything sharp and don’t think I ever will.

I can juggle. 3 items for now, but I’m working on 4.

I stick with the usual assortment of balls, rocks, plastic cups, etc., and babushka juggling is fun, too.

I will not attempt knives, axes, or chainsaws.

I can juggle three or four balls (no comments from the peanut gallery, now). I can do passing juggling pretty well, and can sorta do the eat-an-apple-while-juggling bit, too. My brother can juggle as well, and if at a party we will sometimes do competitive juggling to see who’s drunker (though he’s better than me, being able to juggle pins/rings/eat apples/whatever while unicycling, and I never managed the unicycle bit). Greg Charles, if you want to learn to do four, start with two in your dominant hand, then move to two in your weak hand. Combine the two, and there you go! GrizzRich, hazel-rah, if you can do five I’m in awe. :slight_smile: