The recent threads on the Ronco Rotisserie and George Foreman Grill has inspired me to start a thread singing the praises of my Juiceman.
I didn’t order my Juiceman through drunk-bleary eyes from an old guy with extraordinarily furry eyebrows on the info-mercial from hell. No, I received my first one as a gift. I am confident that the giver was anticipating that Princess Bandersnatch would be using it to cheerfully convert raw fruit into a fiber-free breakfast of juice for her new husband regularly.
But it was not to be. The opportunity to take something large and useful and turn it into something small and useless and make a huge mess doing so was too much for the guy in me to pass up. The promise of finding some bizarre combination of juices that was truly delightful was too alluring to ignore. How about blueberry-beet root-bok choy? Let’s try pumpkin-persimmon-parsnip-parsley juice.
Princess Bandersnatch rarely touches the Juiceman. It is referred to as “my kitchen toy.”
I tried some of Jay the Juicemans’ suggestions. Watermelon juice, funny enough, tastes like water. Parsley juice actually turns into a gel after sitting for a short period. Being a potent laxative, parsley juice is best used in combination with other juices. Bottled apple juice will never compare to fresh. Many juices (beets come to mind), are too strong to drink plain, but make delicious components in mixed juice blends. Others, (Pineapples, cantaloupes) while peeling the fruit is not really necessary, have an “earthy” taste if you leave the peel on. Most fresh juices, if not used immediately, look vile after sitting for a brief while
But the best are quite simple. I absolutely love to turn a pound of carrots into a 10-12 ounce glass of juice. Carrots are cheap, they keep well in the fridge, so I always have them around. The leftover pulp can be used to make a fine carrot cake as well. All of the unused pulp is composted and returned to the earth from whence it came.
The best juice combo was created at the suggestion of Princess Bandersnatch
1 Apple
1 Orange
½ Beet, with or without greens
handful of parsley
Drink a couple of glasses of this each day for a week, and it will change your life. You will have more energy, eat less, be more ‘regular’, and generally feel better.
So. Any other Dopers-Juicers? Do you use a machine other than the Juiceman? Any favorite recipes? Ever make anything really disgusting?