July Bugging the Shit out of you? Rant about it here.

Alright, I’m sick I get that but I’m able to sit up for 4 hours at a time to work (with a 2 hr nap at lunch time) so why the hell when I tried to take my husband to a movie on Monday was it such a fucking production?

He drove there I sat. We grabbed drinks and walked to the theatre and sat. 2 hrs later (The Heat, meh) we walked out of the theatre and I just about passed out walking to the car.

Fuck fuck fuck. I just want to enjoy SOME of the summer. Please.

Hey, I can see straight again!

Warning, TMI ahead, especially for the guys…

I can’t figure out how to quote from June’s thread, but to answer LavenderBlue’s question, I get a migraine every month after my period is done. I’m kind of in a Catch-22, because I’m on the pill to keep me from having nine day long periods with five days of crippling cramps. Now I have a nice and tidy and mostly cramp-free 1 1/2 day to two day long period, but I get a migraine nearly every month. Usually the migraine is over in a day or so, but this month it decided to stick around for six days. Going to the doctor is unfortunately out of the question right now, I don’t have insurance.

My rant? It’s July 2nd. I shouldn’t need to grab a jacket when I leave the house. It’s summer for crap’s sake. I guess we’re making up for the days of triple digit heat last summer.

And hugs to flatlined and anyone else who lost friends in the Prescott fire. I’m so sorry for your loss.

snerk I love it!

Fireworks bug the shit out of the smarter of my two dogs. He’s a boarder collie mix and heads for the basement when the booms start.

The golden retriever just acts as usual.

I’d pit any neighbor who burned down his own house on the 4th, but that hasn’t happened yet, even though some of them have tried, going so far as to have a shell land on their roof.

Here’s hoping for a safe 4th to all.

My DH just got a metformin prescription today, since diet and exercise are apparently no longer adequate to keep his blood sugar under any degree of control.

How much longer until we get to squee at baby pictures? :slight_smile:

I hate our fucking society. It’s disgusting that a single person here should suffer like that. Can you get any form of insurance? Go to see a local clinic for a small fee? A six day migraine is hell. You have to have it looked into. That’s not normal and it could be an indication of a far more serious problem. My husband has effective meds. They make him a little loopy but they reduce the pain quite substantially. His last one was two months ago and over in about two hours. The meds are generic and probably not that costly.

Have you at least tried Excedrin Migraine? I find they are great for me. I get migraines once in a while and they head off the pain reasonably well at little cost.

Warning: 6am snark. Why is it called “the land of the free” when everything is out of pocket?

I should try that - I don’t get migraines, but I do get pretty bad headaches on a fairly regular basis. They might respond well to an over-the-counter medicine made just for headaches.

Sarcasm? Irony? :slight_smile:

I used to know a guy who swore Midol worked miracles on his migraines. Maybe worth a try?

There’s that, Nava.

I pit the morons trying to turn the tragic deaths of 19 men, fathers and sons and brothers and husbands and friends, into something political. {{{{Hugs}}}} to the friends here.

And a personal silver lining, currently being clouded by my husband’s complete financial derp-itude: Since The Fellow’s wreck, we have received a modest insurance settlement. Not really enough, but what was available. We decided to have a couple of splurges, and to put the bulk toward a place to live - whatever we could afford to purchase outright. As of today, we have made the major investments, and I have discussed the details and the math with Tony repeatedly. By the time we are all set, we will have spent about $85,000. That gives us a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2480 square foot (mobile) home, on 4.5 acres, with 900 square feet of covered porches and a fenced yard (and a new heat pump, a well, septic tank, etc.) New flooring throughout the house. New roofing on the house and the porches. Now, no one is going to mistake us for the Rockefellers, but I’m happy, because it will be comfortable, and ours.

And now Tony is grumpy because he may have to cut back on part of one of his splurges. I’m sorry, but…

My splurge was a new laptop ($600.) We bought The Boy a used pickup - $900 - for when he starts driving this fall. The Girl gets to go on her class trip to DC next spring ($750.) The little girls are getting a new swing set. And Tony has bought 3 new guns, plus gun crap, totalling about $3000, and a 4WD van, which was a “bargain” @ $5000, except for the big plans for customizing it… So far, it’s doubled in price, and is still in the planning stages, and he can’t even give me a ballpark figure for a final total, and I don’t even care any more. I’m just pissed that he can’t budget and acts like I’m a meanie for wanting to prioritize spending on our home versus a damned camper that can drive through the mud!

Congrats, LM, you’ll have twice the square footage of our little “cottage”. That sounded jealous, but I’m seriously happy for you.

And in case Tony reads this, when we were trying to buy a house (and start having kids) we cut out virtually ALL our splurging. Bought a nice set of ‘rabbit ears’ for the TV*, made food and coffee at home (I learned to love drip instead of lattes), limped along with our old car (a hated Conversion Van we inherited), and spent ZERO on hobbies. No sports gear, no boat, no comics (ouch, that one hurt), and no guns.

Thousands of dollars on a hobby, seriously? Can’t that wait til after you’ve got your new place?

The good news is we got our own bungalow facing a park and a lake and raised two happy kids here. That’s worth every cup of crappy coffee I had. And we’d gotten used to rabbit ears and plain ol’ coffee, so we’ve continued to save a bunch every year since.

*That means we cut our cable and just watched what we could get over the air. Back in the pre-digital days, that meant CBS, ABC, NBC and PBS.

The issue here wasn’t really the van, but the fact that Tony just doesn’t seem to understand that small expenditures add up. It’s like yesterday: we left the house to go look at this mobile home, and five minutes later “I’m gonna pull in here and pick up a sandwich and drink.” And I’m thinking “Asshole, we had sandwich stuff and soda at the house, for 1/4 the cost.” This is the same man who will get (literally) nauseated at the idea of making a big purchase (like the land,) but doesn’t seem to connect that $1.50 for a soda plus $3.00 for a burger plus $25 for some gun stuff plus “Hey, I like that T-shirt” really adds up quickly.

Really, the van would be fine, and the “project” aspect of it might be what keeps me from killing him while he recuperates. But a few dollars here and a hundred dollars there and such, and then he’s all pouty when I tell him that we either can’t fence the yard for the dogs and kids, or he can’t do all this other crap to the van immediately. (Of course, he also pouted when I vetoed the idea of putting a 6-foot cyclone fence around the entire 4.5 acres. Until I pointed out to him that such a project would cost over $12,000 in materials alone, and that I can’t install cyclone fence properly so we’d have to hire help, and I wasn’t even pricing the automatic gates he wanted for the driveway. He just thinks he has a good idea of what things cost, and he’s kind of clueless really.)

I think it’s indicative of the different ways we each think about money. If he sees an item advertised for, say, $150.00, in his head, that’s “around one hundred dollars.” In my head, the same item is $200, because I’m factoring in the tax, shipping, etc.

Fortunately, I do the budgeting. I just need to get him to pay attention to the budget!

I’m only 27 weeks, so not for a while yet. Baby does a good job of not even looking like a baby on the ultrasound, so it remains a little abstract to my husband. But my mother is already calling it her baby.

As in ‘you get that fixed because you better not let anything happen to my baby’.

Nuts, I tell you.

One of the reasons this works is because it has both tylenol(too lazy to spell aceita… you know) and asprin in the same pill so if you’ve got both at home or want to buy the store label brands you can replicate the effect yourself, just take one of each instead of two of one.

The combination of Tylenol and ibuprofen works the same way AND if you can find a cooperative visiting Canadian get either Tylenol 1’s or 222’s(aspirin) for that portion of the cocktail. Both have a small amount of codeine in them and the addition of that makes both painkillers work better. I’ve never seen Ibuprofen w/codeine so I suspect that means it doesn’t have the same impact.

The whole reason they package acetaminaphine with codeine is to essentially poison it. If you take enough to get really baked off the codeine, you’re going to damage your kidneys.

Fuck cancer just killed my friend of 35 years. 55 years young. :(:frowning:

I’m very, very sorry for your loss, eenerms.

It wouldn’t be the dope if some damn pendant didn’t correct you to say that long before your kidneys are damaged your liver would crap out on you.

I wouldn’t endorse a product if it didn’t work for me. Dr. Girlfriend, you really should see if you can get access to a low cost clinic of some kind. A six day migraine is something that should never happen to you again! Just make sure you have something to eat first before you take the pills. If I don’t I find they give me horrible stomach pains.

And since is the pit stuff it dad. You won’t send me my dead mom’s jewelry as she promised me and my girls. Fine. I am a mature adult with some private fun money of my own. I bought some lovely items on ebay. So to hell with you.

And double fuck you, anti-vax nut who can’t do science. You downplay the fact that over three hundred kids died from measles in the US before the vaccine, greatly exaggerated the risks of the MMR and banned me for pointing that out.

