July Bugging the Shit out of you? Rant about it here.


You should be able to use some medium needlenose pliers and tap the points down beside the bit to pull it out. That’s about the least ding you can get away with and still be able to put the screw in.

Or, you can use a nail set to drive the bit below the surface and move over a bit to drill a new hole.

Not only do we have minions where I work, but I am one. It’s such an over-the-top archaic term that I dare you to find someone that would use it seriously.

And I never once in all of flatlined’s posts got even a whiff of disrespect.

Minions, stand proud! Today’s lackless lackey is tomorrow’s virile vindicator!

I want to steal this statement. The kitchen manager at my workplace is stressed out and starting to micro-manage thing, being irritable, cranky and overbearing. She wasn’t like this before, but it’s too long a story, so I’ll just say she also has legitimate reasons to gripe. But it’s trickling down on me and I’m getting depressed too.

I think Bob Ducca is about the only person here who hasn’t read the Workplace Gripes thread… the rest of us knew that.

I’m cracking up over here :slight_smile:

Bless his heart :smiley:

I’m sorry for yours as well.

I learned a new word today. Calcimine.

I’d worked really hard on that ceiling, too.

I’ve said a lot of other words after I read that page. All of them bad, but not new to me. :mad:

This probably belongs in the Depression/Mental health support thread, but my anxiety is playing up again, and really causing me problems. At least in retrospect I’m aware of that’s what it is, and I can see how alcohol/caffeine has helped cause it, but that doesn’t help at the time when my brain goes haywire and I’m stressing out.

Is there a “I’m trying to kick caffeine” support thread? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just received a splendid present from Mother Nature for my birthday. Thanks SO much for allowing me to spend my natal anniversary annoyed at my femaleness. :rolleyes:

I can relate - had some major anxiety last night.

We did have athread about quitting caffeine a few months back. There may be some usful info there. I’m no help - I’m a hardcore addict.

Quitters never win! I just bought a truly massive coffee cup. It’s manufactured by a company called Bubba, and it holds 34 ounces of liquid morning magic. Just try to steal it from my warm, shaking hands!

Feel free to use it! My mom started getting into various forms of woo right when I started going through my cynical teenage phase. I’m a lifelong skeptic, and she’s still into astrology and tarot. :mad:

Watching the TDF obsessively as I do, I’m forced to watch and re-watch this Michelob Ultra commercial. Right around seconds 6 thru 8, the camera shows a woman in a blue and white toga. And in that 2 seconds the voice in my head screams, “Why is she wearing that ugly fucking drape?! She looks like she just stumbled out of a burning frat house at 5am.”

I’m going to be forced to watch that commercial 500 more times before the tour is over so I’m going to need to learn to deal with it.

Well, turns out metaformin is still in trial stages here in Baguetteland, so it looks like I’m racing straight for the insulin. However, nice doc did bully the diabetes clinic at the University med centre to take me for my consult rather than leaving me to find someone in the village.

Now I have to pee in a cup for a full 24 hours. For other things.

I’d be happier if I could sleep, but baby has turned from breech and now is sticking its little feet in new and exciting places.

Wait, what? Metformin still in trials where you live? How odd.

Can’t post pics here, but on another board that allows images, I (as a wrestling fan) have started to use this.

For gestational diabetes, it appears so. Even though the very first metformin trials were French.

I’m still going to check with the endocrinologist on Monday and see if they can’t swing getting me on a trial if that is well and truly the case.

The best bit- she told me I could possibly even lose a little weight and feel better. I lost a little weight. She freaked out.

MickNickMaggies, I know full well what those little feet can do! The other night she was pushing on my bladder and my spine at the same time. Not fair.

I don’t have gestational diabetes, but I was borderline. Hopefully they can find something to make life easier for you! I’m 30 weeks and haven’t gained any weight at all (maybe even lost a pound or two) but I think my doc has given up harassing me about it. :slight_smile:
Also: **Chimera **and Rachellelogram…your posts made me bust out laughing at work. The patients in the waiting area are looking at me funny now.

TDF - hmm - {does quick Google search} Ah, Tour De France! Alrighty then. :slight_smile:

That is beyond awesome. :smiley:

Why can’t all escalator hadrails move at the same speed as the escalator?

Also, I’m in an internet cafe. I tried logging into Facebook. Facebook didn’t trust my location, and made me identify pictures of my friends in order to log into my account. I hope they don’t think I’m doing something suspicious. I got kicked off Facebook once before (long story), and it was scary.

Also, at a concert I was playing in recently, there was a clown playing a kazoo. Well, not exactly playing - more like making weird noises into it. While we were playing. I felt like telling him, “Look, either play along with our music on your kazoo, or be quiet!” Yes, this was an informal concert, and I normally kind of like kazoos, but this was just distracting.

Waitaminute, a clown was playing a kazoo?

Maybe he was equally resentful of you interrupting his circus…