July is _____ month

Apparently June was Goat Trauma Awareness Month. What are we to be aware of for July?

That web site has to be a parody.

Doesn’t it?

C’mon - just mouse over the picture of the goat.

Of course it’s a parody. (“Goats used to gather outside of my house at full moon, but thanks to the Goat Trauma people I know how to get rid of them”). I think the OP is asking us to come up with out own ridiculous themes for July.

Hot and Sticky Schmuck/Clitoral Hood Can Breed Candida Awareness Month
Fireworks Suck & Scare Your Dog & Burn Your Lawn Awareness Month (July Be Burning Your Dog!)
Everyone Has to Talk About the Rain Because It Never Happens In July Despite Happening Every Year Awareness Month
All the Cute Summer Stuff in Your Size Has Been Sold Out Since May Awareness Month
Sick of Mowing and Ready for Winter Again Already Awareness Month
Meh Month.

Actually, I love July, but it is kind of the hump day of summer. There’s still August to plod through, and iffy September to slog through, and nobody knows if October is going to be unseasonably hot or unseasonably cold, etc.

That little kid going kung fu on the goat cracks me up to no end. But yes, I was looking for other goofy ass stuff. Like “Steak and BJ” day. Bonus points if you have a web site.