Jump into the Fire or Moby Dick?

As workout music? Or I suppose as musical works of art- why not? (Are links even required?)

For personal workouts, I find both of them highly motivational, and especially at the end of a session when you are ready to just quit they are both long enough to extend endurance and perhaps inspire a second wind.

Decades ago when I spent endless hot summer days on residential building sights, both tunes had been known to revive the entire crew and change the pace and dynamic of the last hour of the workday and that was just the radio versions. It was always a risk if the surrounding houses were already occupied, but in an empty neighborhood cranking either of those two was a guaranteed higher production event.

[Oddly, observation showed that a constant diet of the same kind of music worked in the other direction. The crew seemed to burn out and slow down despite the constant high energy sounds bleating out at us. At some point a constant playlist of heavy metal (which neither of the above listed are . . . fully) was worse than listening to the diesel generator. Just a behind the eyes headache that drags you down.]

So, for highly physical endeavors would you choose Nilsson or Zeppelin?
Please feel free to add your own motivational music but nly after you have answered the question.

I thought this would be a thread about choosing to die by jumping into a fire or jumping into a large whale.

I’ll go with the 2004 remastered version of Jump Into The Fire which clocks in at 7:01, providing two and a half minutes more workout time than Moby Dick.

Perhaps links would be a good idea:

Yes, but there are live versions of MD that clock in at fifteen minutes- the drum solo is about seven minutes long! I have found that in both cases the drum solos and simple, straight ahead guitar work gives me inspiration that outlasts the tunes themselves. There is something raw and primal within them (or within me) that has a lasting effect upon my attitude - perhaps even my entire psyche. They both tend to make me feel like a super soldier (or a super villain). I am curious if they effect most in a similar manner.

For example, I tend to feel like Kurt Russel must have when he boldly and fearlessly waded into the stream and shot Powers Booth as bullets hissed around him. Not quite bullet proof- but not really caring if you are bullet proof or not either. What inspires you?

Another hard-driving song with a drum solo interlude (and exhortation to get off your feet) that comes to mind is 100,000 Years by KISS from the Alive! album.

I thought this was going to be “jump into the fire or read Moby Dick.” Not sure where I am with that

Me, too. I opted for “jump into the fire.”

Not at all the intent. It was made to imitate the Ginger or Mary Ann threads of old. I could not bring myself to use a “vs” however because I would never want the songs to compete with each other, only compliment each other. I can never decide which tune more strongly makes me want to do one more set and turned to this board to help me puzzle it out.

If I was going to read Herman Melville, I might put Lime in the Coconut on a loop with other simple, non invasive music in the background. That would fill my Nilsson quota, does Led Zeppelin have any music that is so light and simple it fades into the background? I cannot think of any of the top of my head.

According to Wikipedia, the Zeppelin song Moby Dick was originally titled "Pat’s Delight for John Bonham’s wife, making the song the story of a wife loving her husband’s musical talent (or a phallic reference I suppose).

Moby Dick” was designed as a showcase for Bonham’s drum solo. It was originally called “Pat’s Delight” (after his wife) and features a variety of drums and percussive instruments played with bare hands as well as drumsticks. It was a regular part of Led Zeppelin’s live show, developing to include additional percussion and electronic drums.[23]

“Call me Ishmael.”
Not an American Literature fan I take it?

Despite being a classic rock sort of guy, I rarely listen to KISS. Something about the makeup made me and those who influenced me think they were kind of a novelty act. I will make a point of seeking out this track however. From your description it sounds right in my sweet spot.

For the record, I did listen to the link. It did not effect me the way the other two did. In fact, it took two settings for me to get through it.

Rather than make me feel like I could kick it up a gear, or press on through to the other side (**), it made me feel like I was enduring a tedious and difficult task. Hearing either of the songs I suggested usually makes me feel a bit transcendent – like I can do [maybe not ANYTHING, but certainly what is before me] no matter what obstacle may occur, no matter what resistance I face. They both motivate me and propel me forward – but also make me feel very good, secure, and warmly confident about being propelled forward.

The opening baseline on Jump int the Fire also very strongly reminds me of the way my heart skipped a beat the first time I saw my very first “serious” girlfriend and how it skipped a beat again when she first told me she loved me. It feels like it was just - - - between 40 and 45 years ago! And it was! but that opening- especially if it occurs when I am not expecting it, really brings those memories to life.

(**) There were one or two tunes by The Doors that could stir up extra effort from a few guys on my crew, but I never noticed their stuff giving me endurance or strength like the two named tunes did. The opening riff of SRV’s Cold Shot always made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and sometimes, often times, motivated me to work harder but I never saw it effect anyone else that way.

Alas, KISS never made my heart beat harder or my breath become deeper and more dependable. But they did occasionally make me want to rock-n-roll all night and party every day!