Jump the gun on "Big Brother All Stars"

Another thing I liked about Will, other than the way he ran rings around the other contestants (he was VERY smart – and a real medical doctor too, by the way, that’s not just a nickname), was his total detatchment and sense of humor about the whole thing. He never took any of it seriously and just treated the whole thing like a huge joke that he was sharing with the audience. He never let himself get caught up in any of the self-absorbed personal dramas or obsessed about perceived betrayals. He played it start to finish like a game and never took anything more personally than if it was a pick-up game of basketball. The more people hated him, the more hilarious he thought it was.

The really great thing about his gameplay was how open he was about being a backstabber and a liar. He told everybody up front “I’m totally going to screw you. Don’t trust me. I’m going to lie to you and stab you in the back.”

Then he would screw them and they’d get pissed and he’d say, “I TOLD you I was going to screw you.”

The fact that the rest of them were mostly composed of your typical reality show a-holes and narcissists just made it awesome to watch.

To paraphrase a Dilbert cartoon, I admire his ability to get paid for that.

Exactly - as you could see from some of the clips they showed, Nicole would say “At least we’re playing an honest game” to which Will replied “You are, but I’m not.” And he was serious. That was the only thing he was completely 100% truthful about - his dishonesty. Ironically, half the time that was the only thing people DIDN’T believe. It was fantastic to see someone just completely own every other contestant.

My all-time favorite Big Brother moment was in the final two questioning. Someone asked him and Nicole “If you win, how much of the money do you plan on giving to charity?” His answer was “Oh, let’s see …how about … NONE.” He was ruthless but played it the way it should be played.

A friend of mine loved that season and said that Will always reminded him of Shakespeare’s Richard III. He’d be saying and doing all of these things as if he were completely honest, but then he’d take the audience aside and laughingly explain how he was screwing them all.

I suppose this could count as a bump, but since tonight is the night they reveal the 12 who are to be this season’s targets, do you want to take one last stab at who they’ll be?

I can’t find the website I visited a few days ago where there was a voting going on for several categories of preferences. It looked pretty convincing and had several of the ones I figure will be voted in by the public and several that could only get in by the producers seeding them in.

Anyway, here’s my latest guess after factoring in my take on it all:
America votes in:


Producers force in:


Wanna play?

I think that, in the interest of “equal representation” or whatever they want to call it, Chicken George will be in automatically as a Producers’ Pick at least, since he’s the lone representative from Season One. About anybody else, I have no freakin’ idea. Although I’m pretty sure that Will and Kaysar will be in, just because. I have no basis for that theory.

I’m sorry to say I tend to agree. If he does get put in, I imagine it will be in place of James, who will likely come in as the #7 “America’s choice” vote-getter.

I just hope Chicken George gets kicked out with the first vote. I didn’t watch the first season, but my wife did, and her comments about CG’s antics convinced me I don’t need to see much of him. He’s not even in the “love to hate” bin for me. Just useless.