I’ll tell you straight up. My biggest pet peeve now is, well, let’s call them people, riding bicycles, scooters, and even motorcycles and those riders deciding it’s the “in thing” to pass a stopped bus at a freaking bus stop on the bus’s right side. Last night, when I got off the bus, a scooter driver skidded to a stop about 15 cm from me. He looked shocked. I guess it never occurred to him that people get off buses at bus stops.
What’s bugging me?
Good chunks of the family are about to take dirt naps.
Yesterday I got the water bill for the first three months of the year. Decoding that will result in Kremlinology.
My son is still an idiot. I’m still trying to figure out what species he is dating.
Holding down the fort at Mothers house, I have learned that all the neighbors have yippy, puntable dogs. All of which are alerting us about the invisible mole people.
The landscaping crew mow the lawn like they are being pursued by every ICE agent on the east coast.
The gentleman running the weed whacker must have instructions to play whack-a-mole with anything that sticks up–grass, iris, trees…
The month is only hours old, I’m sure the list shall grow faster than the local government payroll.
The memorial service for the friend I mentioned here is tomorrow.
One of our mutual friends (and another former roommate) was going to fly in yesterday, and stay with me for the weekend. Got a text two days ago from him, telling me that his uncle wasn’t in good shape.
The next day he texts me to tell me that his uncle had some rare type of stroke, and he wasn’t going to be able to make it - both because of the medical situation and that he couldn’t change his ticket (he drove to a different city to see his uncle).
I just hate that so many of my friends are having to deal with loved ones and medical emergencies / crises. Makes me realize that I’ll be going through that twice with some family members soon (but hopefully not too soon).
The bright side is that he rescheduled and will be coming over in a few weeks (barring anything horrible), which might be better because then we’ll be able to visit the deceased’s mom after all of the memorial stuff has passed (which I think is the hardest, because that’s when you just have to go on with your day-to-day life).
WTF is going on with me and Thursdays?
Two Thursdays in a row, get to the early evening and my brain decides to do some kind of massive chemical dump and hurl me into the abyss of depression without any obvious external cause.
Well, that’s not entirely true this week. My 80 year old mother has become a bitter, angry old woman who lashes out without cause and has driven away most of her friends because she can’t stop complaining about shit my father did today and all the way back to before they were married. She’s always been bad about this, but it is getting significantly worse lately.
Now I’m just losing any energy and patience to deal with this shit. I’d already minimized contact with my father because of his mouth, now I have to do it to her.
Lord God, please give me a bunch of money so I can move out of state. Either that or a little bit of money and a job in, say, Denver.
It was a small snippet of a program. You give it the url address of where the file is located. You give it the path name of where you want the file to land and quickly your file is downloaded to your computer.
It’s a nice little snippet. Many of your excel macros and other programs call on it for assistance. It’s been working quite nicely since you built it in 2010.
Then those no-talent ass-clowns from MicroShit send out their latest Windows 10 upgrade and your little program ceases to function.
Husband is whining because big child is waking up in the night, multiple times, to cry, and only Daddy will do. He’s so tired, he says. Meanwhile, I wake up each time big girl cries and I’m still nursing little girl all through the night, getting her when she cries- which he sleeps through.
And fucker has the balls to give me dirty looks when I finally snap at big or him. Big begs for a spoonful of yogurt, I give it to her and she spits it straight out all over me for no reason? Damn straight I’m telling her that’s naughty after she’s cried for it. Big socks little in the head? Time out. And Mummy’s the villain.
But he calls her an idiot for getting in his way? A-OK!
I just realized that my computer issues must be over a month old because I had to reset my password here, LOL.
But JFC, my laptop went south. I haven’t had a chance to get it fixed (if it can be fixed). I’ve been working 6-day weeks where sometimes I’m lucky if I get one day off in seven or more. On top of it I also have a side hustle with a friend which isn’t going as well as orignally thought because of said 6-day schedule: I’s nearly impossible for me to schedule anything in advance. We’ve got company coming this weekend and try as I might, I cannot get time off. I’ll be lucky if I can wave at them.
Yeah, I’m tired, grumpy, and not the best company. It’s just as well I haven’t been around lately
Husband is aging into the sterotypical racist paranoid old white guy. He’s taken to reading only tabloid-y news sites or listening to crappy right wing radio shows. He isn’t a right-wing guy, he’s a liberal Democrat, but he still listens to this stuff because it’s dramatic and controversial and he likes to get worked up.
But it’s affecting him. He just had a bizarre rant about Jews, something he has never done before. He doesn’t even know any Jewish people.
The other weird thing is that even though he rants about people of color, foreigners, gays, women, etc., he is fast friends with many of these same people at work. He’s particularly friendly with a gay Asian co-worker who likes the same kinds of restaurants and music that husband likes.
I want the tolerant peaceable hippie guy back that I married decades ago.
Car might need its entire air-conditioning system replaced. Mechanic didn’t quote a price for it, but I’m guessing over a thousand dollars. Right now even an unexpected $200 expense would be a significant burden for me.
I sympathize with you. I only have one child but, when I was the ONLY ONE waking up with her, there were a few occassions where I woke my husband up too. And it sounds like you are giving normal discipline. Complain as much as you need, we are here to listen.
Normally I would put this in the workplace thread but its more of a personal failing than anything. I am really stressed out at work. I have a lot of balls in the air and, while I haven’t let them completely fall, there have been a couple of close calls. So it really hurts to have three emails send and to be called out in the morning meeting about a mixer being used before its actually ready. It wasn’t unsafe, just being used inefficiently. I’ve taken care of the problem but it hurts that this thing became a PROBLEM when there are SO MANY things happening right now.
I can’t put into words for you how minor the issue actually was. It’s just frustrating. We are all frustrated though. The company is going through a lot.
I really hate that shit. Upgrades are supposed to make my computer better, not break things I like about it (looking right at you, Apple, with your “upgrade” that made Youtube the default over iTunes for my keyboard song controls).
Calatin: That’s a lot of rough in that tough. Speaking of passing through the veil:
[ul][li]Last year, at the end of Easter Week, my Mom passed away back in the States. Before I came to China, she had me promise that if she were to pass while I’m here, I would not take off work and fly back, just to be in time to miss the funeral. And she and my Dad wanted me to continue the planning for my wedding. They also had my niece promise not to fly back from Europe. I informed my school that Mom passed so I could have a day or two to really grasp the fact she’s gone. Check your calendar for next year and you’ll notice Mother’s Day was just a couple of weeks later. The school, apparently trying to show it understands foreigners’ cultures, put a card on my desk for me to send to Mom for Mother’s Day.[/li][li]This year at the end of February, Dad passed away. There better not be a card on my desk this month.[/ul][/li]
The good thing is, Dad got to speak with my wife before he passed away. She’s really happy about that.
Just got off the phone with my soon-to-be former mortgage holder (Think Oh-Hell-No), and they REQUIRE a certified check for the last payment, a little fact that they thought I would pick up with my mind reading skills, since it is on none of their paperwork. I just want to whip Susan B Anthonys at them at appreciable fractions of lightspeed.
Goat felching bastards.
Try checking the security settings. Seriously. I just had to take ownership of an entire DRIVE on my brand-new computer because MS decided I didn’t have the rights to access any of the MP3 files I’d copied to it from my backup hard drive. I could BEFORE the update I installed last night, but after the update finished it was MS-security central. At some point, I guess I’ll have to start digging in to what MS is trying to do with its security settings and why and if there’s a permanent fix.
That update also managed to bork printing to the Adobe Distiller from FM. Yes, there’s a workaround, but there bloody well shouldn’t NEED TO BE.
You might want to have a doctor check him over. A radical personality shift like that could have a physiological cause. Mind you, that assumes you can get him to agree to one.
More annoyances. The living brain donors in my condo mis-management company took it upon themselves to change who handles the condo fees, which screwed up the auto-pay. They didn’t bother to mail anyone a notice, just demand letters six months later with all sorts of fees tacked on. The great new and improved company that does the condo fees now wants $1.95 a month to sully their Ethernet cables with the bits and bytes of my payment. Frack that–they are now going to get the money from the bill pay at the bank. I’m sure that is more work for the morons, but heck, while two bucks is not a hell of a lot, it is the principle of the extortion.
Next thing burning my nose: I get something from the Jungle. Despite Prime, it ships overnight 4 days after the order. I have it sent to Mothers house, and follow it via tracking. It almost gets here, gets transferred to the Post Office, where it is too big to fit into the pidgonholes, and despite what the ‘You have a oversized package’ note said, pickup was not going to happen today, as they were long gone by 11:45, despite the face they should have been there 10-14:30. Guess who is going to see my non-smileing face tomorrow morning?
While carrying the iPad I bought in November, it slid out of my hand and bounced off a door jamb. I kept my grip on it, but there’s a nice deep dent in the top edge now. Fortunately, nothing else seems cracked, but it adds to the dent I already have on it elsewhere, with a scuff or two.
Two combined pittings: me for carelessness, and somewhat at Apple (for the first time). My old iPad that I bought in 2012 was nicely protected in a branded case that sheathed the whole thing in bouncy resistance to minor drops. I got another cover of the same Apple brand this time under the assumption it was the same thing, but no; now the cover covers only the screen, leaving the rest entirely unprotected. I didn’t twang to spend more money, so I kept it, but now I wonder why the outside no longer needs the protection it once did, and if I’m doomed to scratch it up more unless I shell out for that style.
"Ah, can you show me where it states this in the contract? No? Then your "requirements “are not applicable. Piss off.”
Not just June, but every week of the year.
Streaming a show on the TV listening at a nice reasonable volume.
Show’s over and the ending credits come on with the theme music that tries to shake the speakers off the shelf.
What the everloving fuck? Is there a law or something that the intro and ending music have to be hazardous to your hearing?
The Audiologist Confederation must have some hellacious lobbyists.
I don’t get this. Buses pull up to the curb to let people on and off, right? How is there enough room for a scooter or motorcycle to get between the bus and the curb? Are they riding on the sidewalk?