No, not a porn parody title, a newly-discovered fossil that pushes back mammalian evolution by about 100 million years.
It’s a *good * porn parody title, though!
Otto, cool link & link. At least it’s not a dorkfish, right?
LunaV, I prefer Jurrasic Pork!
wait, that better not be a real porno title…
Whoa, at first I thought this thread was about one of my exes.
I thought it was about ‘The Golden Girls’.
Based on this…
…it sounds more like a platypus than a beaver.
Or not. What the hell do I know about platypusses.
How about another porn title: Platypussy.
How can a creature that big weigh so little? My little cat weighs more then 8 times that.
JurAssic Platypussy!
From the article I read it wasn’t closely related to the Platypus, but simply evolved to fill a similar niche. It looked cute though and need I add “Jurassic Beaver” is an excellent band name?