Jurassic Park Debates: Robert Muldoon vs. Roland Tembo

It seems like it’s Jurassic Park fever on the boards of late, and I’m doing my part to encourage it.

So, Robert Muldoon, the gamekeeper of Jurassic Park? He’s badass and comes with not one, but two, meme-worthy phrases: “Shooooooooooooot her!” and “Clevah girl!”

Then there’s Roland Tembo of Lost World. What he lacks in hair and memes, he makes up for with his ability to take down a Rex. Also, his ability to literally beat someone up with one hand tied behind his back. (This was in a deleted scene, not in the actual film.)

I’m torn, really I am. I think I might go with Roland, only because (at least in the films) we don’t get to see Muldoon shoot all that many dinos. In the book he does get to tranquilize the Rex, like Muldoon. It’s tough, though.

JP fans, what say ye?

I went with Roland because I miss Pete Postlethwaite.

Muldoon because he is more memorable and is in a way better movie.

Postlethwaite is (was) an amazing actor, there’s no doubt. And he made the best character next to Ian Malcolm in Lost World. He even had a great monologue when he was in the Jeep talking about his “fee” to Ludlow.

But… Muldoon was wise, not just knowledgable, cunning and shrewd. He knew there was something going on with those ‘raptors. You hung on almost every line he said (“They never attack the same place twice… they’re testing the fences…”). There was a spark in his eye. He was always calm, always collected, even when the shit hit the fan. The only time he ever really raised his voice was to get through to Ellie and save her life – and for that, he died. His very last words was a respect for the very animal he knew would eat him. The man’s not only kickass, he’s a frikkin’ hero.

Muldoon, all the way.

Both characters are depicted by actors who are dead now.

I voted for Muldoon.

(wiping away a tear of admiration) Can I change my vote?

I’m a little tempted, too, dropzone.

I think the deleted Lost World scene really made him for me. I love when he tells the asshole tourist in Mombasa that he “is no gentleman” and when asked if that’s meant to be an insult, says, “I can think of none greater.”

Standing ovation!

Really, Slit, that you could choose anyone over Muldoon makes me a sad panda.

Btw, you guys might be interested in this:


bows head I’m sorry, ACM. I did say it was a tough choice!

Yeah, playing with him? No…

I like the idea of Muldoon being alive but that’s a pretty laughable way of explaining his death away.

In the book I believe he kills his way out (never to return in any sequels). Apparently there were rumors of him returning for future films but the actor died.

In the book, didn’t Muldoon get killed by a raptor? It’s been a while since I read it, but I remember Henry Wu going out on a roof or something to distract the raptors while Ellie tries to make a getaway for the auxiliary power bunker, and Wu getting eaten. At the same time, Muldoon is trapped in a pipe or something, shooting raptors with a bazooka (that scene should have been in the movie). After Muldoon escapes, doesn’t he get killed also?

Either way, Muldoon was better than Roland. Remember, Muldoon was “game warden from Kenya” according to Hammond. Roland was a hunting guide, pure and simple.

From Wikipedia:

You or someone else will have to confirm or deny that, though. I’ve never read the book. I’ve considered it but I’m just wary that the movie will have ruined it for me.

Yeah, I just reread it. Muldoon and Genarro both make it off the island.

Read it. The movie is great, but doesn’t hold a candle to the book.

I have the book at home, will check when I get off work and post Muldoon’s fate here.

Edit: Freudian Slit beat me too it. Thanks.

Tembo did have one cool catch phrase: “I’ve spent too much time in the company of death.” But I still vote for Muldoon and his tiny shorts.

I’d say it was good but I’m not sure it’s a case of better than. The books both go into detail about science, but I think the movies are a lot more thrilling. The raptors always seemed a lot creepier to me in the movies, too.

Oh, and book Lex sucks.

I say Muldoon. He was one of the few people who really respected the strength and intelligence of the dinos.

Oh, I don’t know, movie Lex was pretty bad…

HA! I’m getting the visual of Muldoon saying, “Clevah girl…”, the attack, then they roll around in the brush as he initiates a tickle fight. Oh, how they giggled!

Hey, that was a UNIX system. She knew it.