Jury Duty TV Show

We just started watching this very clever and funny TV mockumentary. It’s free to stream on FreeVee. Jury Duty | All-New Series | Coming April 7 - YouTube

OK, so is this really like the Joe Schmo show where the main dude isn’t in on it?

Or…is the whole thing fake and even the main guy being tricked is also in on it?

It all feels fake to me, but I am not fully sure. It’s entertaining. James Marsden is a hoot.

Listened to an interview with one of the actors today. The premise is that main guy is totally unaware. There were moments where they feared he’d figure it out, but he ultimately showed no indication.

If he does figure it out eventually, it’s likely a spoiler that can’t yet be revealed. But, no, he’s not supposed to know.

I just finished this series last night. I loved it. I loved watching the non-actor’s facial expressions. He was really serious about his jury duty. I can’t believe the actors were able to keep a straight face through the whole thing. And yes, James Marsden was great! They all were actually.

I’m about half-way through the show, which is very fun.

I feel like he would suspect something is up with the zanier characters. Most of the jurors are normal people, but James pretending to be “Caleb” and the little inventory with his crutch pants he uses to sit. They are so over-the-top, I have to think he would catch on.

Most of the jurors, though, seem like normal people you’d meet on a jury.

Finished it tonight.

  1. Terrific all the way through.

  2. Just like with the Joe Schmo show, part of me was kind of sad seeing him learn it was fake. They loved this guy and he learns they were all just fake. It has to hurt a bit.

  3. How did they find Ronald? I get the actors, but how the heck did they persuade Ronald that this was a real jury summons? Did his work hold his job for him even though it was fake?

He was recruited through Craigslist by the way.

Also, he was just summoned for real.

I have not watched them yet, but there are now episodes available with cast commentary. Or, were they always there? Anyway, they are new to me. I clicked “extras” to find them.