I think what their trying to do is make him look stupid, but lookes to me like its back fireing on them. Matt seemes like a no bullshit kinda guy. I hope they all pee in the bed for what their doing,they should have picked someone who needed F #%$ ing with,like Kenny Chesney
I’m still unsure whether this is a real “fake” show or a fake “fake” show. I’m thinking the joke will be on the viewer.
Joe is not a real guy. It is a fake show, the premise of which is that Matt thinks he is in a reality show, but actually the others are actors. But in real life, Matt is an actor too. It is a satire of reality shows.
Manduck, what would be the purpose of having everyone in on the joke? It would work just as well if “Joe” didn’t know. It is obviously satire but I doubt very much that Matt is in on it.
You’re dead to us.
Matt ain’t in on it, anyone who says that hasn’t been watching the show.
Although I’m a fan of his, I found your random hatred for Kenney Chesney to be humorous.
I’ve been watching the Joe, and I do not believe for a moment that Matt is oblivious.
Matt IS in on it. The other actors are NOT in on it. Try to keep up people. (I havn’t seen tonights show though)
I don’t think they’re trying to make Matt look stupid. On the contrary, they make a point of showing what a nice guy he is (like giving away his prize tonight.)
I can’t wait to see his reaction when he learns the whole thing is rigged, though.
I hadn’t even thought of that, Rooves, but it makes perfect sense.
I can easily believe that the actors think they’re duping Matt, even when I can’t believe that Matt himself is really being fooled.
I am watching the show and I believe that Matt is duping the actors who think they are duping them.
There are too many things that don’t “fit.” What’s with the shots of the “control room” every time Matt does something they don’t “expect.” They just happen to catch those looks of shock on the producer’s faces? He’s a nice, unassuming guy, right? It doesn’t make any sense that he would ask someone if they were gay within 5 minutes of meeting them, outside, in front of everyone – it just doesn’t fit.
You’ve never met anyone from Pittsburgh/ the Midwest, have you?
I think that Matt is genuine and they were just looking for a big galoot, soft-hearted lug kind of guy. His boombox rap routine was just painful to watch.
This is an interesting theory but I have my doubts about it being true. The problem with it is that the concept doesn’t play as well on air than the assumed concept. We can’t “look back” to see if there were clues and imo the reveal wouldn’t be nearly as interesting as if Matt really wasn’t in on it. Also part of the humor is the ridiculousness of the challenges and eviction ceremony which the producers probably thought would get more of a “What the fuck is this?” response from Matt. The problem is that he’s too nice a guy to diss the show in his little interviews. If you are right, the Matt is one hell of an actor ie, that crying scene after Earl’s eviction.