to point out the boards seem flat…kinda like a soda (or beer for those that know me) that has been sitting out too long.
Any ideas on how to get this place going?
to point out the boards seem flat…kinda like a soda (or beer for those that know me) that has been sitting out too long.
Any ideas on how to get this place going?
I could tell some ghost stories if that would help
Three Beers and Lapdance always work for me.
Find my shape by the moonlight, why my thoughts aren’t so clear.
My 5th post and already I’m sounding stupid
I feel like a newborn calf trying to stand up on wobbly legs…
Someone tell me this feeling will pass
Don’t worry, it will.
It will take you time to get to know the personalities around here…
Well at least flat is way better than sloppy. And it has nothing to do with beer.
-What’s right is only half of what’s wrong- George Harrison - Old Brown Shoe
Yeah, just so you know, I’m a dick and no one likes me.
This should set you straight.
So watch out for me, because I am very narrow minded and prejudiced. And I can’t spell very well.
I don’t often speak my mind, neither does Byzantine or Coldfire, and that Glitch guy couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag.
Techchick68 is mean, and purplebear never has anything positive to say.
Everyone hates WallyM7, too, way way more than me even.
Never listen to Bricker, Alphagene or Singledad, they don’t know anything, and kellibelli never posts anything mundane or pointless, so always be serious when addressing her.
SwimmingRiddles and Mega the Roo are not very attractive, and Chef Troy can’t cook to save his life.
Aha is not funny.
Neurro Trash Grrrl is both unfunny and stupid, and a blonde cheerleader slut to boot.
Opalcat does nothing to enrich this board, and Satan is a dumb-ass newbie.
Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.
. . . and NothingMan never posts in the middle of the night.
Back to the OP. Perhaps some nude pics of Doctor Laura would help . . . HEY ! OWW ! OK, leggo leggo, just kidding. Sheesh.
For real fun go to the pit and flame either Lexicon, Satan, or Wally. It’s cool. Really. Try it.
Hey Ghost…just a little FYI…Lexicon is just being the goofy guy he is…all of what he said is just the opposite, however I can be mean. Well, okay I am horrible at it.
He’s just giving you a hard time
Ya know, nobody’s posted naked pics of themselves yet. Maybe it’s time.
You first.
Lex says:
You are so full of it, Lex. Socko is crazy about me. He even started a thread about me, which is more than you got. And CalifBoomer digs me too.
Just reading a Wally post makes my skin itch.
Other than that, he is a fine member of this community.
Also, it is probable that the majority of regular posters here would qualify both as a genius and as a mental patient. That is a lovely combination.
We went right out there and refused to do accoustical versions of the electrical songs that we had refused to record in the first place.
I’ll just post now to complete The MPSIMS Musketeers.
I always wanted a cool nickname. Even if I had to make it up. And share it with two others.
Defect borg:
“Refutile is sistance. Your ass will be simulated”.
WallyM7 on Coldfire:
"Yeah, he knows a little about everything because they have a good prison library."
I’ve noticed the same thing, Techchick, and have been doing my damnest to liven things up by tossing the many and varied problems of my social life (or lack thereof) to the board as fodder.
What, Clog Boy ain’t a good enough nickname for ya, Coldfire? It amuses me.
A little persistance goes a long way. Announcing:
“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!
Ghost said: I could tell some ghost stories if that would help but then recanted with, My 5th post and already I’m sounding stupid.
Actually, I thought your original post was pretty clever. No need for an apology–carry on, keep up the good work, etc., etc.
techie: I’ve been trying to, that’s why I started a post party/pillow fight thread.
Only no one hardly has come over to play.
Ghost: I love ghost stories, I’m listening!
{{{{{Ghost}}}}}} There,there, it’ll pass.
Kvallulf: I don’t drink beer. The lapdance… well, how about a tabletop dance?
<purplebear hops up onto table, and starts slowly swaying her hips to the beat of music that only she can hear, showing how coordinated she…AAACKKKK!..thud.
I’m alright, really. No, really. I meant to do that,>
dragonfly: hehehehe!
Lexi, dear: LOL! Please stop trying to scare the newbie away. I always give you a hug, and anyone else who wants one<just 'cause I like to touch people, and that one guy got offended at,…well, never mind…>
NothingMan: Sheeesh! yourself! Tsk, tsk. So, you’re into older women, eh? Well, I’m older, I think, andI notice you didn’t ask for mypic to post. Hhmmpf!
GuanoLad: I agree, you first!! I prefer the full frontal and side view, BTW.
Wally: I adore you, especially since you gave me this wonderful sig line!
Mully: Thank you, how kind of you to notice. I’ve been trying very hard.
Coldy, dear: I came up with a nickname for you, it’s whisper. How’s that?
SR: Hey! nothing about you is mundane, I mean after all, like the time you told us about…whisper…oh, wait. That was someone else. Never mind…
You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino
That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>
Sigh <note to self: read twice, post once. Read twice, post once…>
You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino
That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>
PB – It’s a damn good thing you weren’t around these parts for Guy Stuff.
Your posts would have been a mile long…
Oh, and be careful. You only get a certain number of smilies when you register. Once you use them up, that’s it, the end, no more!
Occupation: Swabbie Pounder, First Class
Location: Anywhere you feckless landlubbers ain’t.
Interests: Navy Chow, Port of Call, The Head, Air Superiority
ICQ Number: CVN69 – An UncleBeer Profile
“Avast and ahoy, landlubbers! Shore leave’s in August. Hide your women.” – A WallySig
POUT I do?? Bummer. No body told me that! Can I start from today, then??
You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino
That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>