I know your intentions are pure and honest but you are singing to the choir hun. No matter what, people are going to get their panties in a bunch over the most stupid shit known to man. Hell even I sang that to the choir once or twice before (add a few more if that suits you), as many will attest to.
Yes, the Pit can be a shitty place to be on the end of the kabob stick cuz your ass might just fall into the fire but if one has a beef, might as well let it out in the open rather than stowing it in locked storage. Without that it comes out in one big fucked up bundle as I have demonstrated in the past. Not a pretty site.
I am not proud of all my Pit threads, I have been knocked many a times…but hey I say, FUCK IT. I may not be back full force but I will not let a few screw up my enjoyment of the SD anymore…
If the assholes can’t deal with me, they have one of two choices, they can either confront me directly or they can talk about me behind my back…well okay they have another choice to, they can just deal with me or you or anyone else. (Using me as a strong example for past shit.)
Anyhow my dear, I know what you are saying but sometimes the best way to deal with the shit is to get it out. A recommended therapy by many…not always the smartest answer but if you feel better by it then go for it.
In either case Silo, I wish what you said would work for the masses but I don’t think it can or will. I think people can be too wrapped up in their own lives to know the difference. They can’t get past the past and want to dwell on it. Then there’s the idea that someone says something that really pisses them off in another thread. Better to take it here than the original thread. I don’t think this is a personal front more than the idea that a person brought up really rubs another the wrong way. Ideas spark debate, sometimes debate can bring out the worst.
I know you mean well hun, I really do but there are a lot of assholes out there that touch buttons, real life or not, whether they realize it or not, this is a community and these things will happen. Shit it happens in real life too.
On a side note: (sorry Silo I need to do this as I didn’t want to start a thread about it)
For those of you wondering, despite a serious injury to my right shoulder recently, my life is doing the best it has been in a year, even with a weight gain which I hate. No need to pull up past shit, no need to harp on the things that have happened. I can only hope that many are big enough to look past the pity they feel towards me from my past drinking and medications and many know what I am talking about…the drinking is under control, the medications are not there because the fact that I have never been able to tolerate them, never will be able to, there is not a depression medication out there that has done a bit of good for me because my issues don’t stem from depression they stem from my ADD. One must treat the cause not the problem.
In addition to that, if you feel hatred towards me, I feel none towards any of you. I do things the way I feel is best for me, and it may not be appropriate for you to hear at that time, but hey, we are all imperfect, we all have our quirks, we all have things in our lives that make us who we are. With out that we are nothing, little more than a speck. If I am a speck in some of your eyes, cool, I have no ill feelings but I do hope that somewhere in your hearts you can get past that and deal with the fact that we are different. We don’t have to be friends but I do ask that you do your damndest to respect my want to be here and to be a part of this community, as I will do the same. Other than that, we can only agree to disagree, not a bad thing but if taken to the point of hatred only hurts us all.
So Silo, the Pit thing may seem trivial at times but at times it can be cleansing. Sometimes the only words are harsh words, even it it hurts another. Is it right? Is it wrong? No, there is no clear answer. But if the person starting the thread is cleansed in the smallest of ways then maybe the outcome is good for future interactions. Without an outlet, the world is bottled up and ready to explode like a pop that has been shaken up.