Just Call me Skippy Tits

You know, somewhere, out there, someone is crafting an UL which involves a guy waking up in a bathtub filled with ice, a missing kidney, and peanut butter boobs.

What’s so unusual about it? I thought everyone knew the best thing to wash down peanut butter is milk.

And just hand me a package of those Reese’s Double-D Cups.

Jesus, these lines just write themselves.

Being desperate is not an excuse for being a fucking idiot.

Like I said: “C’mon. Fucking peanut butter?

sailor: That’s good to know. I do have to admire Spain for being less than 30 years out of a dictatorship, and still being more advanced on some civil rights issues than certain other first-world countries I could name.

[announcer voice] Put your hands together and welcome Skippy Tits with Creamy Areolae! [/voice]

Imagine the concert-feel the love :wink:

then they gotta worry about getting graped by the grapist!!!
(oooh, thats a forbiden joke!)

"Effects of illegal ‘pumping’ being felt " – You gotta wonder whether there was a contest in the newsroom to see who could (ahem) come up with the best headline for this story.

Someone needs to send this news station a copy of the style guide for dealing with transgendered individuals in the news. “Men living as women” indeed. :rolleyes:

The mere fact that some transsexuals are stupid is not grounds to treat them rudely.

Thanks for the link KellyM, I didn’t know that “Transvestite” was an offensive term.

It’s not necessarily offensive, but it’s dangerous to use carelessly. Many people have called transsexuals “transvestites” by mistake, which is offensive. The problem is that it can be hard to tell a transvestite from a transsexual without actually getting to know the individual in question.

I would be offended if you called me a transvestite or a crossdresser. I have friends, who outwardly are not that much different from me in appearance (as long as we don’t take off our tops), who would not be the least bit bothered by it. The term “transgendered” is safely generic, and if you don’t know which of the more specific terms applies to a given individual, one should use “transgendered”.

Just like a caulk gun full of RTV Silicone and Skippy, topped with an injector needle, in the back room of a rather… strange bar.

FYI- When silicone sealant cures (it does this when exposed to oxygen) it puts off quite a bit of ascetic acid (vinegary stench). If it cures inside your tissues, it’s gotta hurt like a MoFo while it’s slowly hardening inside of you.

I’ve got a jar of Skippy on my desk here, and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t say anything about not taking it intravenously. There could be a lawsuit here.