Just found out I've got a bit of time off

I just found out that I need to take 11 days off before the end of the year. Holy cow! I thought I had far less than that.

Our vacation days here are “use 'em or lose 'em”, so if I don’t use these days, they’re gone. So, clearly, I need to take a vacation.

But what the hell am I going to do? The thought of spending half of this month sitting around my house, playing WoW, bores me to tears. I’m going to visit family between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, but that’ll only get me out of the house for about four days.

So what would *you *do with that time off? I’m kind of thinking about taking an impromptu trip to, say, Scotland, for a week- a bit of checking online indicates that I could get a round-trip ticket for about $700… but how much would it cost to rent a room, and do stuff, while I’m there?

Amsterdam for the grass cafe action?

I got nothing, though I do know there is a bar in Key West that has like 150 different rums there :cool:

Oh heavens I would go somewhere warm, too, if I had the means. Key West, Fla.; Beliz; Cancun, Mexico; Panama?

Or Scotland. It’s so chilly there in the summer; maybe in the winter it’s balmy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Arrrrrghhhh. I never understand how people can not know what to do with time off.

I guess they aren’t homeowners. My husband and I would LOVE to have that kind of time to stay home and get stuff done.

Renting, and my commute is normally about ten minutes. And I don’t have kids.

I generally have a *lot *of time at home.

I really wouldn’t recommend Scotland right now. Check the weather reports.

How about visiting your extended family?

But I second the suggestion of going somewhere warm and balmy and generally chilling.

OP, where you at? Then we can know what kind of climate you should go to. My vote is for somewhere warm and cheap, but I’ll give definite responses and areas once you say where you’re at.

If he wants to go to Scotland, he’s not interested in warm or cheap. Or dry.

Or intelligible.

OP: you lose all your days if you don’t use them? Then how is anyone supposed to take a vacation in the first half of the year? :confused:

Generally, you are allotted so many vacation days a year and you don’t have to accrue them necessarily to use them. They are granted at the beginning of the year and expire at the end of the year.

Thanks, that makes sense.