Just Go With It (open spoilers)

I saw this today. I really should’ve payed attention to the reviews. The first half was actually okay. It had a great screwball comedy feel with every getting wrapped up in ever more complicated lies and absurd situtations. The romantic comdedy part sucked. Of course Danny and Katherine were going to get together in the end, that was pretty fucking obvious. It was also neither all that romantic or funny. Granted I’m not sure how they could’ve ended it if they did ditch the romantic comedy angle and kept up the screwball comedy angle up the whole time. It was weird how the kids kinda dropped out of the film toward the end.

Also did Palmer (stupid & naive as she is) ever figure out the masquerade, or did she just think Danny was “still” inlove with his “ex-wife”? :confused: Also Danny told her they were “weeks away” from signing the divorce papers, the whole film seems to take place in a matter of days, but when Palmer decides she wants an “elopy” style wedding in Hawaii isn’t Danny still pretend-married to “Devlin”? :dubious: His pretend-divorce doesn’t seem to have gone through so his real marriage would be pretend-bigamy? And where exactly were the kids during quickie wedding? They weren’t with Katherine so I assume they at the wedding. After all they’re David’s only “family” who happen to be present and since Palmer want’s everyone to be one big family it be odd if they weren’t there. Then again it’s getting late and I’m over thinking this crap.

I also made the mistake of seeing this movie. I don’t think anyone in the theater laughed at any point. The worst flaw in a comedy is for it not to be funny.

The plot depended on the characters being idiots. Not in the “Bill and Ted” sense, where we’re supposed to laugh at how stupid they are, but in the sense that the characters must either do something moronic or believe something unbelievable in order for the plot to advance. The character Palmer is particularly bad in this regard: a three-year-old child would have seen through some of the B.S. that she accepted.

Some things that were supposed to be funny just made me cringe. A plastic surgeon who mocks his patients’ deformities right in front of them? A kid who takes a dump on a sleeping man’s hand?

I want my two hours back.