GAMW (god as my witness), there they were, Mr. Orange, Mr. White, etc. Couldnt believe it.
…umm, yeah… They have been out for several months now.
Suncoast/MediaPlay/ and what ever other stores are in that family, had a deluxe two pack with Mr White and a very bloody Mr. Orange.
A two pack of Mr. Blonde and Marvin Nash (tortured cop) was supposed to be available but rumor has it, it was cancelled.
Bad press to put out a tortured and later murdered cop figure.
The 12 inch doll of Nash was already canclled.
You can get Mr. Brown (Tarantino’s character) of the internet.
Aren’t they funny? My brother and his friends bought a bunch of them and exchanged them with each other last Christmas. When I stopped by to drop off presents, they wouldn’t leave me alone until I saw the figures locked togther in the pose from the cover of the DVD. I didn’t know about the Nash figure though, can see why it was nixed.
anything for a buck, good taste be damned! Lets make sure the kiddies get a good look at these…
Along the same vein, KB also has “Strange Brew” action figures, Bob and Doug McKensie. I must get them sometime.
Hey Kid!
FBG-board a little too slow for ya?
I hope that made sense to you, Othervise just ignored it. You looked like someone else…
Ooh, I got the four last year from Spencer Gifts. I’m quite sure I saw the Nash figure for sale online (officially, not off ebay), but the whole look of him was different from the ones that walk (not that they’ve seen the light of day yet- I just know that once they’re out of their packages I’ll lose their teeny weeny replacement hands and itsy bitsy guns- except for Mr. Pink, 'cause Buscemi didn’t want kids to play w/guns). I also picked up a Norman Bates doll, w/ removeable wig and knife. It’s utterly adorable.
Hey guys, here’s a really interesting bit of trivia which relates to this thread. In a month or so, an album will be released by a new rock band on the scene called “Reservoir Gods” - not “Reservoir Dogs” but a very nice swap on the spelling methinks.
Anyways, not that it’s any big deal but I’m the lead singer and songwriter for said band and about 2 months ago I went thru all the pocesses of establishing US Trademarks and World Wide Web addresses etc. I’ve always loved the film and we named our band said name as an homage to Quentin Tarantino you see.
Well, as a matter of curiosity, as I was going thru the patent searches etc I looked up “Reservoir Dogs” (the film) just to see what was registered and I discovered that Quentin Tarantino NEVER registered the trademark believe it or not. Further, the people who have made these action figures, ONLY APPLIED for the trademark to “Reservoir Dogs” just 14 months ago and the name Quentin Tarantino is never mentioned anywhere in any of the registered documents. In theory, just 15 months ago I could have named our band “Reservoir Dogs” (not “Gods”) and probably got away with it! (Not that I would have done such a thing… you have to have some integrity in business…)
A really interesting aside for mine…