I’m sick of people calling other people “grammar nazi” or “spelling nazi.” To my knowledge, nobody has yet proposed rounding up and gassing bad spellers. If you are going to post in a public forum, learn how to write in the English language instead of writing like a moron and then getting all defensive if anyone corrects you. It shows that you prefer to STAY a moron, if you can’t take a little constructive criticism.
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Eli, I agree with you on that point, but some people are a lot more focused on the subject under debate and don’t really care about mechanics.* Also, you split an infinitive in your thread title…
I propose the formation of a new ideology Grammar Communism.
As the first of the newfound Grammar Commies, I’d like to welcome my brothers in the revolutionary struggle against Grammar Fascist aggressors like eli_the_fanatic.
Our philosophy is simple: Whenever you see a grammatical or spelling error, it is your duty as a good Grammar Marxist to make the very same mistake in order to keep anyone from having an unfair advantage in command of the English language.
CaptBushido, it’s funny when you don’t make sense! erislover must think so too! eli - In the first place… How come your hanging out with people who cant spell right, but Flame U, cuz they don’t know what their really upsett at?
For clarity’s sake, I am not complaining about misspelling or bad grammar (although some people come off as third graders) but against the specific Nazi analogy (which was originally NAZI, it is an acronym) which I find tiresome and excessive.
I support a limited spelling socialism where some things are controlled by the government, like the use of apostrophes, but other things are left to the invisible hand of the spelling marketplace, like the use of hyphens.