Just quadded in the freeroll - SDMB Poker 2nd Quarter 2011 - Now at PokerStars

Congratz GG, Sorry I took off early last night, I had to get my ark. The storms were rolling in, one after another. We have had unofficial rainfall total of 7 inches this weekend. 80% chance of more rain today and tomorrow.

Go away rain.

No it’s not…if there was a 8d instead of the Jh, then I would be somewhat concerned. :wink:

How does Tomorrow sound?

Yeah, and I said that the last time I know. Except that they can’t give me any more hours this week. :dubious:

Yeah. But at least I got my PC fixed [new power cord]

Courtesy Thursday reminder bump.

First standings of the quarter:
1 MissTake 81.7
2 MentalGuy 58.0
3 Dag Otto 53.0
4 notfrommensa 51.6
5 Oslo Ostragoth 45.5
6 Yeticus Rex 28.0

Enjoy your fifteen minutes, Missy.

I’ll post the estrogen-free results:

  1. Gray Ghost (yippee, first y chromosome win of the quarter)
  2. crane Op
  3. dag otto
  4. oslo
  5. fubbs
  6. meeko
  7. Nfm
  8. cyberhawk
  9. mentalguy

New standings:
1 MissTake 81.7
2 Dag Otto 58.0
3 Oslo Ostragoth 49.6
4 MentalGuy 49.2
5 notfrommensa 47.0
6 fubbleskag 42.3
7 Yeticus Rex 28.0

Yeti needs to get in there and defend his honor.

Sorry guys, I zonked out.

I’m still in the lead. Sweet!

We all thought it was highly coincidental that both you and Mrs Crane were both missing last night.

Early wake-up call to watch a certain event in England? Hmmmm?

Oh hell to the no. Thanks to a miserable cold, I’ve been fairly narcoleptic. I curled up around 7pm, next thing I knew it was 1030pm. So I went to bed.

Got plenty of time…just letting you guys get a little smug…

As for last night…was at a Costco tire shop getting a blowout replaced at an inopportune time…thank goodness there was a bar and grill across the street to pass the time away.

We had a rip-roarin’ game Saturday night.

Or not.

Sorry Missy, I checked about 3 minutes before “shuffle up and deal” and saw that you were the only entered.

I really didn’t want to play heads-up and left quietly.

Now that summer is here, I have a feeling that Oslo’s Saturday Night Swingers will go on hiatus.

Sorry, guys, I had to do laundry. A freaking mountain of laundry. Not really conducive to playing in a poker tournament.

Oslo, Pssst, Fluff and Fold.

Courtesy Thursday Bump.

Checked PokerStars this morning and there was tournament on the calendar. I added it. I think I did everything correctly. MG, if you get a chance, check it out to make sure this is the format we have played so far this quarter.

Thanks, I thought I had it set up to automatically make our tournament every week at the same time. I can’t check it from work, but will when I get home.

Results from the SDMB Thursday Night tournament:

  1. Astorian
  2. Yeti
  3. Oslo
  4. Fubbs
  5. Mrs. Crane
  6. Meeko the Raccoon
  7. Miss Take
  8. Dag Otto
  9. Notfrommensa
  10. Mental Guy
  11. Gray Ghost

Holy crap, we have a new champeen:

1 Gray Ghost 80.8
2 MissTake 77.5
3 mrscraneop 70.0
4 Dag Otto 59.9
5 MentalGuy 59.4
6 notfrommensa 54.4
7 Meeko 50.7
8 Oslo Ostragoth 45.4
9 fubbleskag 40.2
10 Yeticus Rex 25.3
