Space shuttle Discovery just rode in to Dulles airport on the back of a jumbo jet. It went right by my office window.
Very, very cool!
Space shuttle Discovery just rode in to Dulles airport on the back of a jumbo jet. It went right by my office window.
Very, very cool!
Mommy, mommy! Whats that?!
Honey, now when an airplane and a rocket ship really love each other…
Just watched it make three passes over the national Mall. Had a nice view from an 8th floor picture window. Close enough to see some details.
Discovery has flown more missions than any other Shuttle and it’s the one that put the Hubble into orbit. This is her final mission.
Somewhere, Engineer Scott is blowing his nose. Allergies, I’m sure.
I sawit from the street! Very cool.
It’s coming in soon for final landing. :: sniff :: Dust in my eyes!
My coworker and I caught it on the Mall. Pretty damned cool.
Hmmnn, it didn’t land, just another fly-by.
It’s down safely. Wow.
Hey fellow DC-area Dopers! I saw it too, it flew right over my office in Manassas, VA (close to Dulles).
I’m home today, and it flew right over the house. A fun day to be in the Dulles flight path.
Many years ago, I had a summer job for an airline with offices in the Dulles mid-field terminal. I drove by the shuttle Enterprise every day that summer, and once or twice I walked out onto the tarmac during lunch and walked by the Concorde, which turned out to be a lot smaller than I expected.
Me too!
My company’s office is in Herndon, right near Dulles airport. We were all standing on the top deck of a parking garage, and people were on the rooftops of buildings all around us. It went right over the airport and gave us a very clear view.
P.S., is it “roofs” or “rooves?” Neither seemed right so I cheated.
JEALOUS!!! I had a dental appointment at 10:00 and the shuttle slipped my mind. The dentist said that folks on the 3rd floor of their building saw it, though she didn’t. Bummer.
Same here - I’m off of Sunrise Valley Drive.
My wife’s building is off of 606, so she got the better view…
I found out too late that a bunch of folks on the 12th floor of my building (in Tysons) were able to see it. Bummer! Several of my friends who work either downtown or near the airport have posted pictures and videos on Facebook. Very cool.
(Several years ago I caught a glimpse of the Concorde as it flew into Dulles for the last time; I think this would have been cooler.)
P.S. CCYMan, it’s “roofs.”
Endeavor is scheduled to be driven through Los Angeles this fall. I hope I can make it to watch.
I saw it, too. I was in the median of the GW Parkway right by National Airport.
I saw it too-- flying right over my neighborhood in Centreville, on the final pass! We’re along the southern approach to Dulles and the winds were right.
I had no idea what was going on today (I was out of the country until Sunday and have been at home with the Cold of Death since then) but I’m very glad I decided to go out for a coffee at 10:30 this morning. When it finally dawned on me what that weird thing in the sky was, I screamed like the proverbial little girl, pulled into the nearest parking space, and jumped up and down for a while watching it go by.
There couldn’t have been a more beautiful day for it, either: not sunny, but the clouds were strikingly beautiful.
Godspeed, Discovery. sniffle Seems like my cold is a little worse right now.