Listen to it once, say to yourself “Oh my, what a stupid little song.” and then try to close it. You can’t. You’ll be powerless to resist.
It’s been playing in the background on my computer for about 45 minutes now. I’ve already inflicted it on my family and friends today, so I thought I would also share the affliction with you guys.
Or, for whatever inexplicable reason, this flash video is annoying as hell, but the song… the song… the damn song!! I keep finding myself singing [the enormously mondegreen-ed version of] this song as I’m cooking dinner or cleaning the house…
Sometimes, when I have a particularly rough day in fibre channel land, I find myself gazing out the window at work, looking at the herd of cows being protected by a lone black llama, and I start singing “llama’s llama taste of llama, llama llama duck”
It’s hard to believe that it would come up, but at a lunch meeting at work today I sang:
If you go down to the woods today you’re in for a big surprise
If you go down to the woods today you better go in disguise
'Cause every bear that ever was there Is gonna be there today
'Cause today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic!
Followed by the encore:
Shaggy bears baggy bears raggy bears too
There’s nothing on earth Uncle Walter won’t do
So he can go waltzing, wa-wa-wa-waltzing
So he can go waltzing, go waltzing with bears!
From what I’ve read, it’s a mixture of Finnish polka song and plain old gibberish. It’s an actual band who has more songs than this one available, but I’ve forgotten their name and hopefully that will prevent me from tracking down more of their stuff which would cause me to suffer from these earworms for the next 5 years or so.
I turned it off with ease when I posted to this thread earlier… but then after going away, sending out resumes, tediosly poring over jobs and getting a gigantic headache weeding out the crap from the crop, I wandered back to the Dope. I returned to this thread. I clicked on your link.
I turned it off.
Then I clicked it again.
I broke into a cold sweat and turned it off again.
I read another thread.
I came back.
It’s on now… been on for a while. I’ve decided it is going to be my background music for whenever I do my housework. Also, if ever I get a job answering telephones, this will play constantly in the background.
I put the name of the flash file, loituma, into Google and came up with this:
According to the linked site, the song is called Ieva’s Polka. That’s the second cool folkloric band from Finland I’ve stumbled across in recent months. I’m definitely going to get the CD. I am seriously starting to like things and people from Finland.
Including the science officer from the beginning of Star Wreck. :: fans self ::