Wikipedia’s page on Chick, plus a firm understanding of him from reading every tract available, has left me with this knowledge of his pool of philosophy:[ul]
[li]The Bible is innerant word of God[/li][li]Jesus=only way to god[/li][li]Only way to Jesus=accepting him as ‘personal lord and saviour’ and putting your faith in him alone as the one who redeems you, not [/li][li]Organized Religions, which are institution, rituals, and junk like trinkets with Jesus images, instead of a spiritual faith in Jesus based on God’s word[/ul][/li]
Now, I need to put a disclaimer here: I don’t want detailed information into the actual material that Chick believes, ie a short lesson on the Apocrypha, the text of the Bible or it’s history, etc. I do appreciate these posts, but any time I spend reading those- and skipping them, trying to get my simple question answered- will be time wasted. Thank you.
Chick writes in his tracts about how, between the writing of the book of Malachi that ends the Protestant Canon of the OT and the time when the first NT books were written (I know, I know, the order of these books is not the order of when they were written), that all those writings (Apocrypha, other apocryphal writings) are, of course, satanic and demonically-inspired. I guess Jack never learned about how Jesus and the gang were drawing from Apocryphal literature with concepts of Gehenna, the Kingdom of Heaven and Revelation’s vision of Paradise, etc.
Jack may shoot down those Apocryphal books as satanic (he does have quite a lot of disdain for Catholics, after all), but he has no problem drawing from other Jewish Apocryphal myths and legends, and also Christian Mythology that is completely fabricated based on Isaiah Chapter 11, trying to say that that represents Satan and his ‘angels’ falling when really that, and the passage about the king of Tyre in Ezekiel, have nothing to do with an evil Satan- there is no such basis in the OT, YHWH provides us with no much-needed segway from a no-hell existence w/ a neutral ‘satan’ to a all-go-to-hell type deal with an evil Satan in the NT- as a matter of fact, all he does is the opposite, what with the neutral Satan in Job and the references to God creating the good and the bad in Isaiah and so forth. Man, YHWH is a shitty writer, introducing characters and plot situations without telling his fan base!
:smack: Bottom line: read this recent Tract, in which Chick refers to stories of Nimrod (who had innumerable legends written about him), as fact! And, there was a tract in which he explain how Satan fell from heaven with exactly one third of God’s angels in tow. Um, can I get a cite, you hypocritical myth-spreading fucker?
Keep in mind, this is the same guy who will alter history to make the Catholic Church seem like a continuation of Babylonian cult practices or to make them behind every atrocity since the Crusades (WW1, WW2, the Holocaust). I actually do give weight to his claims, as I don’t know enough yet to refute them entirely :rolleyes:.