K-19 plot killer (Spoilers)

So I went to the local video rental emporium and picked up K-19 with Harrison Ford and a Soviet nuclear submarine. I have been looking forward to seeing this movie for quite a while. One of the major plot points consists of several different crewmembers going into the reactor compartment to try to rig a bypass on the reactor coolant system.
My problem is that they were trying to cut what looked like a 2-1/2 inch stainless steel pipe with an acetylene torch and even worse the section they were trying to cut was in the middle of a spool piece ( 4-bolted flange on each end) about 12 inches long. Didn’t the Soviet Navy think to bring a couple of wrenches along on this “historic” mission? Did the mechanics in the reactor space forget how to undo a few nuts and bolts?

I guess my question is, what movies have been completely ruined for you, or at least marred by such simple plot problems.

I’ll have to admit that I enjoyed the movie but this point bothered me throughout.

By the way I tried to see if anyone else has been bothered by this before but the search engine will not accept K-19 since it is less than 4 characters.

Well if they didn’t have the proper clothing, why should they have the proper tools? I liked the movie as well and I never quite figured out why it didn’t do well at all at the box office.