Kamala Harris - born 1964

Kamala Harris, if elected, will be the first president who is younger than me, and I am going to start collecting Social Security later this year.

I remember when Barrack Obama was elected. He is slightly older than me. I mentioned to my father that Bill Clinton was the first president who was younger than him, but we still didn’t have a president younger than me. He was not amused.

Personally, I think it is about time.

I wish her well. I hope she can pull this off.

An interesting factoid courtesy of USA Today - this is now the first presidential election since 1976 in which there is neither a Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ballot;

And Jimmy lives!

Added: 01 October will be his 100th. Incredible.

Here’s hoping he lives long enough to vote for Kamala.

1964 was a good year for me, too. :grin:

I realized (yet again) that I was getting old in 2020, when three of the Democratic candidates for president (Buttigieg, Swalwell, and Gabbard) were young enough to be my kid. Granted, I would have been a teen mom, but I was old enough to be their mom nonetheless.

Agreed, we need every vote we can get in Georgia.

Of course you have to remember that, at any given time, there will never in the future be more people alive that are older than you.

Words to live (for a little while) by.

Barack Obama is almost exactly four months younger than me, so Harris would be the second president who’s younger than me. I’m more than ready to quit having presidents who are older.

People younger than me didn’t become eligible for president until 2018, and Vance is the first person on a major party ticket to make that criteria.

My generation is doomed, aren’t we?

The median age of US presidents when first elected is 55, I believe.

This is the last presidential election where voters born before 1980 will outnumber those born after. And the younger cohorts are ready for their grandparents to get out of the way.

Random thoughts about age, sorry.

Obama is a few months younger than me. After that election, my older siblings (six of them) asked me how it felt to have a president younger than me. I said that it is the first time that they had a president younger than them. The oldest sibling was born in 1953.

I was born in September '64 so I looked up her birthday-- October 20. Wow, she’s younger than me as well. Just a little over a month, but still. It’s almost as if…there are generations after mine who will eventually take over for my generation and retire us!

Nahhhh, not possible.

Another factoid: Donald Trump (78) is twice as old as his VP nominee (39).

I’ll leave it to our resident Presidential nerds (much respect) to say whether or not this is unprecedented :wink:

Kamala Harris and I were born on exactly the same day, which was also the day Herbert Hoover died.

Obama is three months older than me. I’m not grey-haired, though.

Of course, I’ve never been president, either.

Harris is almost GenX! Missed it by a couple months.

Obama is about 10 months older than me. I am grey-haired. Bad genes, I guess.

Funny. Obama was 9 or so months younger than me, so Kamala would be the second. Was a tad disappointed to see that she was younger than me - but no spring chicken at 57!

I guess I could collect Social Security now, but I’m waiting a while.

yeah, this time we have the beginning of the boom against the end of the boom. depending on who she picks as vp there may be a proper gen x on the ballot.

i believe there is a bigger difference in the boomer generation than most of the others. in the u.s. the civil rights movement was in the middle of the generation. that really shaped the differences between the early boom years and the late boom years. most especially desegregation.

biden is the only silent generation president.