Kanye West is $53 MM in debt?

I don’t care about what/who she does in a bedroom. The airwaves are another matter though. I’m tired of her constant kiss and tell songs. Maybe when she grows up a bit more she’ll turn her songwriting to some less shallow topics and be more tolerable, but most of her songs are the same vapid one-note, and one-sided, “he done me wrong” theme.

Mostly though I’m tired of the media and record industry pumping out album after album of hers as if they were great art or something. They’re not, they’re basically tabloid stories with a drum machine(Thanks Max Martin!) in the background.

It’s distasteful, like a breakup over Facebook with all your mutual friends tagged in every post so it blows up everyone’s feed. I don’t care if you keep getting together with various people. I also don’t care if you keep breaking up with various people. It becomes irritating to me when you broadcast the one-sided story of the relationship all over the airwaves of what seems like every radio station for weeks at a time.


ETA - But Kanye West is still an asshole.