Kanye West signals intent to run for presidency

Piss Yeezy.

He’s now the first presidential candidate who has been banned from Twitter


Could well be where he got the idea for the dunk. (He’s never seemed all that original an artist to me, though I gather that many disagree.)

I’m not seeing how his advocates will defend the journalist-doxxing, though. Arsehole-move.

To be fair, when you hear the music that’s winning these awards these days, that’s a perfectly rational action. A broken clock being right twice a day etc.

Nonsense. There’s plenty of good music out there.

Sam, you sound like my parents. They thought those pesky Beatles sucked.

What does Kanye peeing on his own Grammy tell you?

Well I, for one, am totally shocked by this bout of revelations regarding the legitimacy of Kanye’s campaign.

What! The GOP running a secretive illegal campaign? I too am shocked, shocked!

I’m sure charges and a trial will be forthcoming. Ha ha ha ha ha! I"m hilarious!

I wonder if anyone’s told West part of the Republican party plan is to have him assassinated before the inauguration.

Kanye then can take his own advice

~Baby I got a plan. Runaway as fast as you can~

What the hell, in the current political climate, why not encourage Luna to run for president? She’s good-natured, cute, and intelligent – certainly far more intelligent than #45. The Constitutional requirement to be at least 35 years old should not be a problem, because I’m sure that the current conservative Supreme Court would rule that Constitutional originalism demands that her age be assessed in Dog Years. One might also note that the Constitution is silent on the matter of the number of legs the candidate should have. And she’d be great for international relations – they’d be lined up at the UN to give her skritches!

Boy did they pick the wrong horse though.

Maybe they started to believe their own schtick that black people will vote based on identity only? They won’t care about things like experience, competence and general ability to remain lucid.

It turns out that that’s more of a modern republican voter thing.

As a general rule, topics like Kanye & politics (or, to this point, Herschel Walker & politics)… I feel that, given both of them are self-admittedly (Herschel wrote a book, Ye released an album) mentally ill African-Americans, who, in my view, have been taken advantage of by powerful white Americans to further their own agendas.

(This is true of Herschel especially, for once he entered the Great South Football Machine in 1978, his entire career was decided by white coaches, politicians, and football team owners, and rarely to Herschel’s benefit. He somehow ranks #1 in all-purpose professional football yards but is not in the Professional Football Hall of Fame, an organization which recognizes the USFL and the Canadian Football League.)

So, frankly, as a white guy… I can find better targets for my ire in today’s world, and hope that these gentlemen aren’t too damaged by their associations with people who literally think black people are roaches, with the main pusher of the Central Park Five racist bullshit, with the very people taking their mothers votes away. I’ll leave it to their community to castigate them, and… listening to Bakari Sellers and Van Lathan/Rachel Lindsey every time they each drop a podcast… have no fear, the African-American community is raking them to the coals and back.

Remember when Barrack Obama won his senate seat? He was originally up against a guy, Jack Ryan, who had to withdraw due to a sex scandal (his wife, the lovely actress Jeri Ryan, didn’t appreciate his desire to “swing”), and so the GOP had to scramble to come up with a replacement.

Their selection for the Illinois senate race? Alan Keyes (from Maryland)

Clearly, they have long figured that black people are fungible.

ETA: Actually, it’s any dark skinned person. I just remembered that they selected Bobby Jindal -whose heritage is Asian Indian - to give the Republican rebuttal to Obama’s first state of the union speech.

Let’s go to the quarry and throw stuff down there aye; Jindal was their rising star at the time.


I’ve been working my way through 30 Rock on Netflix, and recently watched the Subway hero episode. Its amazing how prescient that show was.