Kanye's white house appearance

Fifteen years ago, if someone had told you that President of the United States Donald Trump would meet Kim Jong Un and Kanye West in the same year…well…

Interesting times.

Only his friends can call him Ye. Everyone else should address him as Mr. St.

He’s an idiot. Not sure if he’s cray-cray or on something pharmaceutical in nature. Or, God forbid, both.

Uncle Tom had dignity and reason, Kanye? Not so much.

Hey I hated Kanye before it was cool, damnit!

I think Trump just ate that gush shit up.

I think you are imagining mental illness as just being on one spectrum, it doesn’t work like that.
A person could be doing very well at their job and be all the crazy in a way that’s about to destroy their whole life (figuratively if not literally).

Kanye “Ye” fits into that category based on this appearance, but maybe he has a great support network that stops him trying to start a war on fairies, or command the ocean to recede.

Of course not, and I am someone who has suffered mental illness myself (depression).
His opinions were stupid because they were stupid. Not just wilfull ignorance like Trump, Kanye’s thoughts seemed evidence to me of a consciousness unable to walk in a straight line for more than a few seconds.

Agreed. Although if anybody had been in the oval office and said those things, I’d be commenting on it.

Yes, it does. The intersection has one member: Kanye West.

Also my wacky Trump-supporting former classmate, who just changed her profile pic to Kanye in a MAGA hat.

Just another instance showing Trump’s lack of reason and good sense.

It’s a shame Manson died before his invite to the WH.

This is as crazy as President Trump’s campaign. It’s worthy of the same ridicule and outright dismissal as an effective maneuver.

It makes no sense. Insane. Embarrassing. Unhinged. Can’t work.


I was surprised that West wasn’t grabbed by the Secret Service when he went around the desk to Trump. It probably took them by surprise, and I’d imagine there were some off-camera moves in that general direction before they realized there was no danger.

I am anticipating a tweet that our beloved leader will henceforth be known as President Ump.

I think it’s safe to say that few on this board are capable of predicting how any of the methodologies employed by President Trump will or will not succeed, since they all do, but they are all seen as whacko. (here).

Ah excellent. I hear factoids like Trump’s foreign policy “successes” but I never get a chance to actually a believer what they are.

So Philster, what things have succeeded? I’ll give you GDP + stock market growth, as long as you are willing to admit the growth rate is basically the same as it was under Obama. Anything else?

IIRC, didn’t Obama once refer to Kanye as a jackass?

Wow, Kanye is on similar footing as Charlie? I mean, they’re both D-bags, but I kinda thought Charlie was, like, way worse. (still wouldn’t have shocked me if The Don had sent an invite, though)

I don’t think Charlie’s behavior would have been all that different than Kanye’s. Some ranting, wearing a gimme cap, maybe some “locker room talk” with trump.

Somebody needs to photoshop a MAGA hat onto a particularly crazy Manson pic. :smiley: