Or head, depending on how you look at it.
I wouldn’t normally revel in someone else’s pain or suffering, but as far as I’m concerned, this “Douchebag of Liberty” deserves everything that comes his way.
Or head, depending on how you look at it.
I wouldn’t normally revel in someone else’s pain or suffering, but as far as I’m concerned, this “Douchebag of Liberty” deserves everything that comes his way.
Why don’t you like him?
It would be better karma if he’d ben run over by a bus …
Valerie Plame.
Hasn’t been a good year for conservatives.
Oh…that was HIM?
First Ted Kennedy, the Robert Novak. Proof that God is bipartisan.
He’s just looking for a way out of that hit and run case.
In all seriousness, maybe that explains why he said he didn’t know he’d a guy with his car. Maybe he’s really having some blackouts or something.
He had a brain attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack. Is that all he gets for his money?
The scorn and disrespect for people with cancer on this board is sad and unsettling.
The scorn and disrespect that Bob Novak shows the American people is sad and unsettling.
Well, does getting cancer suddenly make a person who was an asshole into a saint?
I’m still rooting for O’Reilly to get syphilis.
The scorn and disrespect that Novak showed for Valerie Plame, every network and contact she ever had while working to remove WMD from the world, along with anyone who had anything to do with Brewster Jennings is what is sad and unsettling. This man is a traitor, pure and simple.
I can only hope he gets a taste of the pain and suffering his lilly white puckered ass caused by writing that column. A man who has never raised so much as a hand to protect this country did irreperable harm and ruined the career of someone who had worked to remove the very threat that Commander Cukoo Bannanas used to take us to war.
Fuck him. I have no sympathy whatsoever.
There’s a golden rule thing people seem to have forgotten about.
Ironic, given the thread title is about Karma.
I don’t believe in karma. Too many bad things happen to good people.
But if this is true … it’s terrible. My sympathies to him and his family.
I say “if this is true” because so far this story seems … kinda odd. So far we just have him making this announcement on his own. Aren’t there usually doctors who make comments and such after these sorts of announcements? I remember when Kennedy’s tumor was announced, the hospital made a statement and whatnot. Here, things are awfully lowkey.
Woo-woo conspiracy theory: he’s just trying to weasel out of the consequences of his hit-and-run. Considering the friends in high places Novak has, maybe he’s able to get some backup for a fakeout! That would probably take some serious maneuvering, but if anyone’s connected enough for it, he is.
Back to reality: like many others, I have plenty of contempt for Bob Novak. I think he’s a first-rate shitheel whose sleazy decisions put at least one CIA operative’s job, if not her life, at risk purely for reasons of political treachery and sucking up to the Bush administration. Not to mention possibly putting her contacts in harm’s way.
But I don’t wish cancer on anyone, so I hope if this is really a tumor, that it turns out to be benign and not malignant. I’m not one of those ‘dancing on graves’ types. Too empathetic and scared of death myself to get any vengeful pleasure out of the suffering of others, even the evil ones.
If I’d lived my life as an irredeemable bastard, I’d expect people to revel in news of my doom. So I’m following the Golden Rule, thanks.
Isn’t that a little cruel to the syphilis?
Does O’Reilly get syphillis, or does syphillis get him instead?
[sub]come to think of it I have no idea what that means[/sub]
Novak is a toad, but this thread is in really poor taste.
Miller’s and drewbert’s posts have me in stitches. I think they win the thread.
I’m sorry that Novak has such a severe health condition, but I don’t like him, his politics, or his actions. He is a thoroughly nasty piece of work.