Karma kicks Novack in the balls

From what I’ve heard, the guy’s a cunt. Fuck him. If he was on fire, I wouldn’t waste the piss. I’m glad he’s probably gonna die soon and I hope it hurts.

That was my first thought as well.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there really isn’t such as thing as a crime of revealing classified information for people that don’t have security clearances in the first place, is there? Rather, it is the responsibility of those with clearances to keep that information secret, but once a reporter has discovered that information, they have no legal responsibility to maintain the secrecy of that information.

Hence why the FBI isn’t busting down the door of the New York Times for revealing the Swift transaction tracking, FISa violations, information about secret CIA prisons, etc.

So, I don’t think that Valarie Plame’s identity is of the same public interest as any of the programs the NY Times has revealed in the past five years, but I think one could make a reasonable argument for its importance to the public in understanding the development of intelligence reports. If Joe Wilson was appointed via nepotism (I’m not saying he was, but it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility and the NY Times doesn’t need to pass judgment on the wisdom of the Swift surveillance system before revealing it), that’s certainly of some public interest.

So, given the historical context of the press having some latitude to reveal state secrets when they come upon them, what evilness has Mr. Novak committed that justifies celebrating his diagnosis with a brain tumor?

I hear he is having his conscience removed. it’s been bothering him for a while.

Wouldn’t he have to have one first in order for it to bother him?

In Soviet Russia, Syphillus gets you!

Like others before me, I can’t get a hard-on over hearing that someone I don’t care for has a terrible disease. I don’t believe in fate, or karma or anything like that – shit happens to good and bad alike. If this fate has befallen him, then that’s all it means: a person has a brain tumor. His past actions don’t enter into it.

Unless, of course, his past actions actually contributed to his getting a brain tumor.

When I look back on the evil deeds I have done in my life, I am filled with a selfish sense of regret. Most of the time I didn’t know that what I was doing was also contaminating my soul, taking away my innocence and goodness and making me less of a human being than I had been.

The cost is the inability to feel and empathize, that loss of humanity that you can see on the face of a crackhead or jaded pornstar. They no longer feel, even for themselves.

I find myself doing or saying things without regret or emotion that would have filled a younger me with repugnance. Most of the time I don’t even notice, but once in a while I get a kick in the conscience as the corpse of that younger, better me rolls over in its grave.

But today I smile. I may think I’m lost, but compared to you miserable motherfuckers I am an innocent babe, safe in his mother’s arms. I am still a good enough person that I would never take or joy in such misfortune, especially over something as petty as political differences.

You are lost in the fucking wilderness. Find your way home and rejoin humanity if you can.

This guy has reveled in his reputation as Novakula. Hell, didn’t he title his autobiography “Prince of Darkness?”

Rejoicing in other’s misfortune is unseemly, to say the least. I sure don’t think that Novak has become a Saint - in fact I trust that he remains dishonest.

But so what? I for one don’t wish him ill health or worse.

I request that the partisans on my side of the aisle stop acting like a bunch of sickos.

Meh. Guy sucks, but I can’t revel in his illness.


You may be right:

Yeah, but he had to share that title (Prince of Darkness, not Novakula) with neocon Richard Perle.

Is there a cancer on this board? I dibs the John Dean role!

Seriously, we don’t know that Novak has cancer. He’s got a brain tumor.

I expect cancer will give him a pass. Profesional courtesy, you know.

My last post to a similar thread still stands.

I enjoy misplaced modifier humor as much as the next guy, but I don’t think you can parse the sentence that way, given the “people with” part of the noun phrase. What in the hell would “people with cancer on this board” mean if “cancer on this board” is the noun phrase? And who says “cancer on” in that context? Weak and reaching, if you ask me.

Getting a bad disease doesn’t make one less of a shit bag.

Fuck him. I hope he rots.


I hope none of you get cancer, and if any of you do, I hope nobody takes pleasure in it.

Maybe it’s like saying ‘a plague o’ both your houses?’

When considered in relation to the recent Jesse Helms and Ted Kennedy threads, I must say that this thread should be closed.

Personally, I’m ok with dancing on graves, but not on operating tables or hospital beds.

The time to celebrate is after his death, not now.

Then why start now? It’s going to make it awfully difficult for you when someone else rejoices in the pain and suffering of someone you like.

I hope I can live my life in such a way that no one wants to gloat over my dead or dying body.