Inevitably, the media has moved on to the latest hot story. How is New Orleans coping? How is the clean-up going? Can people move back yet?
Nope, actually I’ve just seen a report of several minutes’ duration on NBC news.It focussed on children and how NO is finally pretty much the adult paradise it claimed to be.
Schools aren’t open, Children’s Hospital is, and people are trickling back, but very very few. Wistful kids were shown who have nobody within miles to play with, and poor folks are coming and then leaving if they don’t have the money to cope with fixing their houses; the shotgun shacks are not safe for children or anybody else.
CNN’s Anderson Cooper has been reporting from the French Quarter for days now.
I have friends and co-workers just now returning from their 30-day emergency assignments with respect to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. I still have friends in the thick of it.
All of the conversations and emails with them indicate the media just cannot properly show the devastation, and how widespread the devastation. All talk of years, perhaps ten years or more, before any return to something “normal.” In some areas they tell me they cannot see any kind of rebuilding.
They also report horror stories about FEMA, the military and the Red Cross. Unfortunately, these stories will probably never see the light of day.
Can you tell us a few, Duckster?
It seems that lots lof folks render the name of this storm as “Katriona” rather than “Katrina”. Is there a reason for this?
typo. “O” is next to “I” on the keyboard.