Kerry is an asshole

Edwards was reportedly very frustrated with the Kerry campaign in '04, mostly because of their weak to nonexistent response to BS attacks like the Swift Boaters. He wanted to come out swinging, and they wouldn’t let him. I think history judged him right on that, but in the process I’m sure he said plenty of things that lost him some friends in the Kerry camp.

Anyway, there’s no point in endorsing Edwards at this point, because he’s not going to win. He’s been my candidate all along, but I’d love to see him drop out and support Obama.

Here’s the most recent source for what I was talking about - it’s a Times article from November.

EDWARDS is supporting Obama over Clinton. Get your head out of your ass.

I see. When you choose a vice president who you think can help you get the presidency and figure he’s not worthy of being president four years later, then clearly you’re putting yourself ahead of the country.

I agree that republicans put a higher premium on loyalty than democrats. I’m reminded by how Kennedy subverted Carter in 1980, amassing around 1500 delegates against an incumbant democrat president.

And of course someone mention Gore’s endorsing Dean over his running mate Lieberman in 2003 early on.

That’s why democrats can never quite get their shit together.

From a letter to Andrew Sullivan:

From a letter to Andrew Sullivan (from a political consultant):

[Howard Dean]
Hey John, it could have been worse… Al Gore could have endorsed you.
[/Howard Dean]

Yeah, that’s politics. But you’re right - if time and experience change your opinion, you’re a jerk. Kerry liked John Edwards as a Vice President four years ago and should be required to like him now.

Because Republicans never ever do that sort of thing.

(Reagn v Ford in 76; Buchanan v Bush in 92)

Yeah, its just this sort of thing is why they never win any elections.

Kerry and Edwards weren’t even getting along during the campaign in 2004, and after the election the break was obvious. Edwards was furious with Kerry for not fighting Ohio’s count. They have been, at best, acquaintances for the past 3 1/2 years. The Kerry/Edwards relationship was nothing like the early Clinton/Gore relationship (before Bill did his thing and Gore turned into a schoolmarm just before the 2000 campaign began).

Yeah, it could be the kiss of death for Hillary. Makes her look more “establishment”.

Wow, Flying Dutchman must be John Edward’s biggest fan if he’s this angry about a non-existent slight on his behalf. Sounds like someone’s got himself a little crush…

Ford wasn’t elected, Buchanan never was a serious threat, an independant and in both cases there were serious ideological differences.

A non existent slight ? It never happened ?

If I had a crush on a presidential candidate it would be Hillary. That lady is one hell of a woman.

Not shocking. Kerry obviously supported Edwards before he didn’t support him.

You haven’t shown that there was ever any expectation Edwards expected or even wanted an endorsement from Kerry based on the fact that they ran together in 2004, thus making the non-endorsement a slight. It would be like you getting mad at me for not pulling out my wife’s chair at a restaurant, when in fact she would prefer I not pull out her chair. The not-pulling-the-chair out part happened, the slight part didn’t.

But you know that. You’re just pretending to be mad because you’re a tedious partisan retard getting on a jump on your poo-flinging nice and early. (It’s going to be a long election year.)

I would be willing to lay odds that any Democrat in the race would be thrilled to have Gore’s endorsement.

:smack: Why did I think he endorsed Hillary. It was Obama. I don’t know if that’s good or bad…

You need to keep up with current events. Kerry did make an endorsement, but not for Edwards.

As for flinging poo, your BBQ record suggests you do that at least twice as often as I do.