Key lime pie?


Why is line “I’m tasting key lime pie.” used to signify that the person uttering it is about to die?

Can you quote an example of this? I can’t find one.

A quick google brought up this episode of Dexter, about dying and key lime pie:

Dexter changes his mind about helping Camilla. He brings her yet another key lime pie. He closes the drapes before injecting an euthanizing agent (sodium pentothol and pancuronium) into a slice of the pie. He then feeds it to her, bite by bite. “You finally brought me the perfect pie,” she tells him.

I guess that UK Google is different. AFAIK, that show was never aired here.

It’s never aired here in South Africa either, as far as I know. I googled “key lime pie” dying

I want to know when that line is used, outside of the original show.

That wasn’t really the question. The question was about the association of key lime pie and dying.

The quote may be spurious.

I’m so disappointed this thread isn’t actually about key lime pie…

Aside from the OP, has anyone ever heard of such an association?

There seems to be no association outside of that one episode, a singular association by a single character.

It doesn’t even appear that the character actually says “I’m tasting key lime pie” in the episode though.

Me too. Actually I am not wanting to read further, so as to avoid any negative associations with one of my favorite foods.

I wouldn’t mind some Key Lime Pie on my deathbed. Wouldn’t have to worry about all those carbs, so bring me two pieces please and a jumbo margarita.

If one of the ingredients is raw eggs…

I can see it in one of Bugs Bunny’s histrionic death scenes: “(cough cough) everything’s getting dark. I’m tasting Key Lime pie. So long, pal…so long”.


OP, when come back, bring non-rhetorical Key Lime pie.

It’s from a (now deleted) webcomic called Erfworld, published on the same site as Order of the Stick.

Archived version

Some discussion of the line here.
Somebody in the thread suggests it might be a line from Natural Born Killers.

But it’s a version of a greater meme where someone dying says that they can taste … something. A different thing in different works.

A quick google (in the UK) of “I’m tasting key lime pie.” returns this result (and this result only) :-

…in which a character called realsis says `

“I’m not smoking and I’m tasting key lime pie! I think I’m in heaven!”

I suspect this is irrelevant and non sequitorial.

Corrected link

Damn good pull. From that cartoon, I surmise that what he said was a random utterance due to brain damage-he could just as well have said “I smell heffalumps”.