Was wondering if there was anyone out there who got the boot? What for and what did you do afterwards? Also how’d it go over with your parents, friends, family?
Just missed too many classes before the first midterms.
When too far behind to even fake it, I stopped going to class. Repercussions? None. Dad always wanted me to enter the bakery. College was going to be my ticket out of town, and I blew it.
Kicked out of 3 so far, pretty much the same reason as highjack. Just picked myself up and of to community college it was. Parents took it well, the 60% reduction in tuition helped alot i think.
I haven’t been kicked out (yet) but my sister’s ex-boyfriend was. Why, you ask? He pulled a false fire alarm. This kid was a junior at college and pulling false fire alarms. You really gotta wonder if some people ever grow up…
[Dean Wormer]
Mister…Mister Blutarsky. Zero. Point. Zero.
[/Dean Wormer]
No I haven’t been kicked out of school but damn that movie rules.
This guy just registered in November( i.e.- within the last 5 days) and he’s already banned?! That took some doing. Is that record, or what?
very very very close. Academic probation. Had a 1.something GPA. But I’ve gone ahead and got myself on the Dean’s list since then so I’m back in shape.
Funny, I was planning to start this very thread when I got home tonight. Yup, I got the boot. I basically welcomed it with open arms, though; I was on academic probation for three semesters and finally kicked it last December. In November I decided that I wasn’t getting much of what I wanted from college, so I put classes aside to make time for things that carried greater importance for me and ended up with a GPA just below what I needed to stay in school. It was no surprise to my family and friends because I was always very open with them about where I stood academically and where academics stood in my life. I knew it was time to leave when school was again getting in the way of my education.
i dropped out this semester, but i’m 99% sure i’d have been kicked out soon had i stayed. i came within a hair’s breath of getting booted out 3 out of the 4 previous semsters.
first semester gpa: 0.5 yea, that’s right… 0.5
failed everything but a philosophy class (i got a D) and i was placed on academic probation. i later found out that had i notpassed that philosophy class, i’d have been dismissed immediately. so being on AP, i tried to get my gpa up to 2.0 to avoid getting kicked out. of course i didn’t; made it to 1.7
i then found out that thr department of natural sciences had a little rule that said if it was my 1st time on AP, i didn’t have to get a 2.0, i just needed a 1.7
so after 2 close calls, i wised up right? wrong. last semester, i had a complete repeat of my first semester. i failed every class except one. philosophy (i got a D)
i think my reason for doing so poorly in college was a complete lack of maturity. no matter how many close calls i had, i still couldn’t drag my ass to class and apply myself.
things went better than i expected with my parents. i was expecting a lot of yelling and cursing, but their reaction was basically, “you’re an idiot for doing this, but we still love you.”
I’ll go backwards. I was having trouble in my classes, anyway. I tested out of some, and, as a result, was taking some of my cores, and also taking philosophy and calculus as a freshman. During elementary, juior, and senior high schools, I just knew everything naturally. I never had to study, and still made decent grades. As a result, I had no real study habits when I went to college and needed them. It started in my calculus class. I’m not one to blame others for things that are my fault (said very tongue-in-cheek)), but I think the language barrier posed a problem. Professor Deliosh (his name was-this is spelled correctly, to the best of my knowledge-Professor Alakazhor Deliosh) came in the first day, and started filling the entire board with what were obviously alien symbols. He would go across the board from left to right. When he finished, he would then go RIGHT TO LEFT! The whole time, he was speaking in his native language. Then, he would stop writing, look at the class, and announce “test tomorrow.” I always got a zero. To quote Dave Barry, zero was the only mathematical concept I understood in this class. It took me three weeks to get him to understand what an Add/Drop card was.
Philosophy was just as bad. My general smart-ass nature didn’t help in a class with this many pretentious pricks in it. I lasted long enough for on test. The test consisted of one question: Based on the principles we have studied in this class, how can you ascertain the chair you’re sitting on is actually there? Everyone was writing papers so think that they could have been made into major motion pictures. My answer consisted of the following:
Because, if it wasn’t, my ass would be on the floor.
Not good.
But, the coup d^etat was a party that I went to. I accidentally set a lizard on fire. The guy hosting had an aquarium with this huge iguana in it. No big deal. My little brother has had various lizards throughout his life. So I’m standing at the aquarium, looking in, when someone bumps my arm. The drink I’m holding goes tumbling into the aquarium, coating the lizard. And the electric rock that the lizard was laying on, which shorts out. The cedar chips in the bottom of the tank ignite, and so does the liquor on the lizard. The lizard starts running around the talk, on fire. The guy who owns the lizard sees this, panics, reaches in, grabs the iguana and starts beating him against a table to put him out. The smoke and flame from the cedar chips set off the smoke alarm, which sets off the sprinkler system. Since we’re technically on campus, the smoke alarm automatically calls the fire department. When the smoke clears (pun intended–;)), the school determines that I was essentially the cause, and that I’m only 19 years old. So that, combined with my scholastic achievements, prompted them to allow me to withdraw with dignity, or be kicked out. I opted to withdraw.
Sorry about your getting kicked out, Superdude, but you have to agree that that lizard on fire story is pretty damned funny.
I see no problem with this answer. If you’d said “According to the great philosopher Immanuel Kant, my ass would be on the floor” you may have had a fighting chance.
I haven’t been kicked out. I sure as hell hope I won’t be :eek:
You know, Daowajan, the lizard story has become one of my favorites to tell on stage. The audience seems to like it, too.
Judging from the two–not one, but TWO–fire alarms pulled in my dorn last Saturday…no, they don’t.
One of them was at 8:15 in the morning, too. :mad:
I haven’t been kicked out of college yet, but I was kicked out of pre-school.
Apparently, I had a biting problem, and whenever I bit someone, I got sent to spend time out in the kitchen. The cook thought I was a cute 'lil tyke, and gave me cookies. So I went forth and bit some more.
I wonder if I could get kicked out of university for biting.
I was kicked out of a university for something i didn’t do,
somebody got my network pwd and started downloading all sorts of crap off the WWW , then one Thursday I’m going to finish off a project and try to log on , I can’t and see network admin .They say i have been kicked out for breaking university rules and hand me a pile of paper of URLs i have visited all the URLs are unfamiliar. I protested my innocence but they took no notice (i provided plane ticket stubs to Germany for the accused times) and assumed i was guilty , pointing to the URLs as rock solid evidence I lodged a complaint with the heads of department also ignored . So i go home bummed about this and annoyed since I was doing very well in that university ,I ask tutors for advice but they have been told not to speak to me.
I didn’t know what to do for a week.
Then I get a phone call from a friend who is a Law student in another university , remembering all University computing labs have video records I went in and demanded to see the tapes .The tapes exhonorated me and showed it wasn’t me doing the downloads and i demanded an apology which they didn’t and asked ME to apologise which i refused to do.
I am suspended for 3 weeks to reactivate my accounts and to update their records for THEIR mistake and fall behind badly on my work since it was not considered a valid term for course work extention. Which I left the university (due to the course being pretty crappy as well) and after i left they sent me a letter saying my fees were non refundable since i was asked to leave by them and not on my own accord.
So i went to another university down the road , my friend also got his pwd via a fake login screen and it was considered his fault for having his passwords stolen and he was suspended for 3 months which forced him to stay another year as course work could not be done.
Bizzarely enough every year i keep getting letters asking me if i would like to re-enroll as my credits are still valid there,which i will never do and I always recommend people avoid that university.Those B*stards even read your email since webbased email pages are not allowed.
Is it possible for you to say what universtiy it was or is that Slander? I am going to be applying for transfer in the next semester and would like to know which colleges to avoid. No I was never kicked out of college. I imagine that is pretty ard to do at a community college since they don’t really care about your grades. My Dad, however, got kicked out of UC Berkley 3 times. He was too much of a Party Animal.
Too much for Berkley?
They did give him 3 chances. I guess that was to much, even for them
Since you meantion Berkley , and that is an American university you have nothing to worry about or not this particular university anyway as its a UK university . you might have guessed by the way i say University rather than college (as college comes before university in the UK for 2 years as 6th form college)
To which I reply…
**[Dean Wormer]
Daniel Day Simpson has no grade point average…all courses incomplete
[/Dean Wormer]**
I didn’t flunk out, but a bunch of my buddies did. The secret to avoiding that fate for me was to kick academic ass my first two semesters. It is one hell of a lot easier to build up a decent GPA early in your college career than it is to try and make required A’s on your report card to stay in school.
Most of my buddies who flunked got reinstated about a year later. Guess what-- most of them flunked out again. However, a few of them developed a renewed focus during their time off and managed to get their bachelors degree. A couple managed to get through grad school. One, in fact, got her doctorate and is a College Professor.
If you go to college and realize that you aren’t ready, bail out ASAP and return when you are truly focused on the task at hand, if that is where your heart leads you. We all have our own path.