Kidnap Duration (e.g., Chandra Levy)

My girlfriend was commenting on the news report and said that if Gary Condit’s missing intern Chandra Levy isn’t dead she’s got a hell of a lot of explaining to do when she turns up.

I responded, “Yeah, unless she’s kidnapped and tied up somewhere”.

Which got me thinking: in real life as opposed to your typical kidnap suspense thriller, and not counting hostage situations where the location and situation of the victim is known, how often do kidnap victims turn up alive more than a week after being snatched?

Ever heard of Terry White?

The question is: How often has the family of a kidnapped person not gotten a ransom note or phone call in over a week? Highly, highly unlikely.

I’m sure her parents are hanging on to every thread of hope at this point, but most law enforcement officials are saying she’s very likely dead.

And, if indeed she is hiding and putting her parents through a living hell…well, that scenario is so unlikely it’s not even worth discussing.

There was an article in Slate a couple of weeks ago. Maybe you can find it. It seems that kidnapping is a huge industry in south america. Most kidnap victims are returned after about 1-2 years of negtiations. Average price is about 100,000$.

There’s not much point in kidnapping someone unless you are expecting to get some money back as ransom.

And why would someone kidnap Chandra Levy for ransom? It’s not as she is exactly the scion of a wealthy family.