If you had any credibilty you have lost it all.
I have never accepted that all the things carried out by my government in my name are good and correct.
We in the UK have had to deal with terrorism on a scale that Americans have only just started to truly understand, even so, there are many things that my governemts has done both in making major mistakes and deliberate actions that would shame me.
I have an intense dislike for the kind of bastards that would carry out some of the atrocities that the Irish terrorosts have done, but I’m also not too stupid to understand some of the circumstances that created those sort of individuals.
I also know that it may be to my distaste that we as a nation make deals with murderers who have in the past been prepared to carry out indescriminate acts of barberosity, but I alos know that we have to address the reasons why those individuals did what they did, we have to talk and reason with them, and they have to understand our genuine concern for thiers and our welfare, and it must be sincere.
You are completely uncritical of what Israel does, you offer no hope, no solutions, just a morally bankrupt policy of killing, revenge, dispossesion, oppression with nary any concern that people, Palestinians and Israelis are suffering from the brutalising effects of the current situation.
Oh yes you can point out the guilty party, observing who started what, who pushed whom, just like a bunch of playground children, but
this does not work, it is childish, irrelevant, non-constructive.
I would like to see if you have any criticisms of any sort about Israel, do you? do you have the capacity to look at those whom you support and find fault, if so then please post it here, I would like to see if you have the ability to make judgement valuations from your own self.