Kinda gross and TMI about my explosive bowels...

After every meal I have the urgent need to have bowel movement. And I mean URGENT! It sometimes becomes a crisis, if you know what I mean. If I am out on a business lunch it can get very serious, as there are not always facilities that are conducive to my needs everywhere you go, meaning the privacy to have an explosive BM.

It happens just as I finish my meal, and I have about 5 minutes to make it comfortaby, and if I have to wait 30 minutes to get somewhere adequate it becomes serious.

Should I be worried about this? I know even you medical types out there are loathe to give advice online, but are these the symptoms of any condition that comes to mind?

Uhm I am not a doctor but if I had ‘explosive bowels’ I would be pretty worried about it and hie my self to a doctor as soon as possible.

You may have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Look up some of my posts on the board, or look up IBS or IBD (IB Disease) on the 'net. Your symptoms sound very IBS to me, and you can probably get control with some pretty simple meds, though IANAD. Definitely see a doctor about it immediately, because often IBS, or “spastic colon” is associated as a side effect with more serious IBD like ulcerative colitis or Chron’s disease.

I don’t have it after every meal, but certain ingredients will set it off, or if I overeat by even the tiniest amount.

I’d go see your doctor as it seems to be affecting your life fairly negatively.

Sounds like “early dumping syndrome”. Google same to find out more. Then talk to your doc.