Link. Seems he is flying bombing missions himself.
Apparently he served in the British Army, which I didn’t know:
Link. Seems he is flying bombing missions himself.
Apparently he served in the British Army, which I didn’t know:
Maybe he can pull from his experience as an officer of the United Federation of Planets.
Although does “conducting” mean flying?
I can’t possibly be the only one who immediately thought “INDEPENDENCE DAY!”
Reading the titles of the top stories in the first link doesn’t convince me that it is a credible source.
If he scores some hits, will the headlines read “King Takes Pawns”?
Come on. They must be a big deal. They just got a big scoop on chemtrails.
Some sources today are saying that the Jordanian government has denied that the king would personally fly any missions.
Defense Minister: What would the King like for his birthday?
Queen: How about soem Air Jordans?
Defense Minister: I’ll get working on it.
I thought his flight experience was in AH-1s, not in jet fighter-bombers? (Shrug) Doubt Jordan’s going to be using helicopter gunships unless they do a ground invasion. Or if they have to do any CSAR again. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d picked up some flight time in jets though. I mean, who’s going to say, “No,” to the heir apparent?
My first thought was “Mission Accomplished.”
That is so cool.
Good. Now maybe the Queen will get off her lazy bum and paratroop in with James Bond and a flight of corgis.