KKBattousai's turn...

[sub]I don’t suppose I can get away with saying I don’t ordinarily do the post party thing after having started two such threads in the last 24 hours. Oh well…[/sub]

KK, hon, happy one thousand. To me, at least, the board’s a brighter, happier place with you posting here. :slight_smile: ::smooch::

…any friend of Audrey’s…
Happy K!

All your base belong to me! Bwahahahah!!!


Heh, sorry about that. The damn ‘e-less’ thread is still messing with my head. Gah, that was painful. And to screw up on my lame attempt at a graceful exit…feh.

But enough examining my shortcomings under the microscope (um, Audrey, hon, that’s not what I was talking about, thank you very much), let’s celebrate in style, shall we?

::Produces bottle of Stolichnaya:: :slight_smile:

[sub]So, um, what’re you guys going to drink?[/sub]


This really isn’t my day for coherent posting… ::chug::

Hey, you said it, not me. :wink:

As for drinks, I’ll have a Sprite with poohpah here. We’ll just sit and watch you show that Stolichnaya who’s boss. :slight_smile:

Happy 1000, KKB, and here’s to another few 1000!

I don’t think I thanked you directly, so thanks for all of the advice on Anime last summer. :slight_smile: