Kofi Annon needs rectal surgery

Kofi, chief of the UN, is one of the biggest assholes on this earth. He has done very little to benefit anyone and now wants us to start talking again with our worst enemies including the Frogs. How long does this guy stay as chief antisemetic head of the UN?

Your worst enemies are the Frogs? Well, pollution seems to be taking care of most amphibians so that’s a problem that can be waited out.

Kofi has to be the only person that could make me actually hope Clinton gets voted in to replace him.

God, the UN is seriously fucked up. :smack:

The FRENCH are your worst enemies? I’m as Gallophobe as the next guy, but please to explain how not supporting your foreign policy makes them your worst enemies. Hell, they’re not even OUR worst enemies, and they committed an act of government-sanctioned murderous terrorism in one of our harbours.

My God. *Talking * to our enemies??? Heaven forfend!

BTW, how are we defining ‘enemy’?

You ain’t kidding.

I understand you outrage for Kofi Annan is a diplomat doing what diplomats do best, negociate in order to avoid further bloodshed. Can’t have that in in Bushland, where ‘diplomacy’ comes in the form of thousands of bombs raining down indiscriminately on anyone who dare question the obviously benign intentions of the invaders.

Seriously, where does Mr Annan get off in saying that a “military campaign and increased insurgent violence could put elections at risk?” Doesn’t he know that King George creates his own reality?

Kill them all and let The Invisible Pink Unicorn sort them out. It’s what you do best.

PS-I’m sure you’ll volunteer to be in the front lines when you attack the “frogs.” Look for me, I’ll be on theirs.

Sweet Jesus people, he wants us to TALK with our enemies!!! And you can’t SURRENDER without first TALKING!!!

Do I have to draw a freaking picture? They want us to burn the Constitution and surrender to joint UN/France/Al Queda rule!

Thank Christ Bush won, somebody who can stand up the UN to enforce UN rules… or something like that.

:eek: Tim? I’m sure that was tongue-in-cheek…

Anyhow, the French are our enemies now? I guess that makes the Germans our enemies as well as any American who stands up for what he believes in, in opposition to our president, yes?

Stupid OP, once again.



Gee, I’m just surprised that this had absolutely nothing to do with a medical procedure. Live and learn I guess.

I believe that MadSam was suggesting that Kofi Anus needs rectal surgery to remove his head from his ass. The man is up to his eyeballs in the biggest, dirtiest financial scandal *of all time * (it makes the Enron mess look like a fart in a hurricane), yet he attempts to adopt a holier-than-thou attitude toward the US. This miserable little twist of hyena dung wants to dictate foreign policy to America! Ha!! Well, I have news for the UN Suppository General: When we decide to hit Iran or Syria, he can just shut up and stand the hell out of the way.

The UN is corrupt from top to bottom. UN peacekeepers routinely rape and abuse the female refugees they are supposed to protect. The UN is utterly irrelevant and has no moral authority whatsoever.

Which means that I think Bill Clinton would make a perfect UN Secretary General.

If it weren’t for the “Frogs”, the US would not exist today. They’re one of our oldest allies, for crissakes.

I am no big UN fan, but you gotta cite for this?

Trying to get Ringworm to cite any of the glurge he spews he says is damned near possible. Shall I summon emergency help whilst you turn blue holding your breath? :stuck_out_tongue:


To neuroman:

Just do a google for…UN…peacekeepers…rape. You will get plenty of hits. Here are two:



It is an ugly story and I did not want to believe it, but the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

Another reason Bill Clinton would make a good UN SG: He sold a pardon to Mark Rich who, as it turns out, is also involved in the UN Food-for-Oil Scandal. Mr. Rich is an international super-criminal, straight out of a 007 novel. I must say, Mr. Clinton has some odd friends.

Mark Rich has a laser? Cool!

Up yours, GaWd. Now you better head over to Turtle Bay. The surgery was successful and Kofi has just head his head removed from his ass. But he needs someone to lick his face clean.

Do you think Annan is a concerned about Peace as much as the next man? Maybe, but he lined his pockets to the full when doing so. Besides, he doesn’t advocate peace in the Middle East, he merely wants to keep the status quo, no matter how shitty the situation becomes there.

The whole issue is being reviewed and corrective action taken for future endeavours. Which is obviously a lot more than can be said for the ongoing prisioner abuse scandals in Bushland’s empire.

Never mind the war crimes being commited as we speak by your rogue nation.

No wonder you’re so proud of being a Bushian. There’s just so much to be proud of.

For the record, Clinton can’t be Secretary-General of the UN. Citizens or nationals of any of the five permanent members of the Security Council are barred from holding the office.