Kosher Eating Question

I am aware that when eating kosher you’re not supposed to mix meat and dairy in the same meal. The question is, how much time needs to elapse before you can, say, follow up that roast beef and rye sandwich with an ice cream cone? Is there a set time period or just “something reasonable”?

Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws - Judaism 101 (JewFAQ)

A bacon cheese burger on a sesame seed bun is definitely NOT kosher during Passover.

True, but have you ever had a ham and cheese sandwich on matzoh during Passover? I have.

I don’t where I got it from, but I heard that four hours is enough. Just for the record, I have never had kid boiled in its mother’s milk.

If you really wanna’ lose your rugelach, check out what Woody Allen’s BIL consumes during a major Jewish holiday in the film “Radio Days.”

Dammit. Okay, I’ll just have the crabcakes.

*Nothing *in Judaic law is that simple.

I feel guilty when I do that. Every time.

I wait 6 hours after meat and 30 minutes after dairy. I keep Kosher since 1996, but I am only partially observant.

I still do an involuntary shudder when I hear someone order ham and cheese on a bagel. McDonalds used to have them.

You don’t even have to be Jewish! An observant Muslim wouldn’t eat a bacon cheese burger on a sesame seed bun on Passover either. (ETA: This is probably true of observant Adventists too.)

Thanks for the answers.

I find it interesting that the waiting period for meat is so much longer than for (most) dairy.

No, but I one spent Yom Kippur eating pork schnitzel cooked by an Austrian. For real.

What’s wrong with Austrians?

Off hand, there was this one guy, about 80 years ago…

I didn’t realize that Arnold Schwarzenegger was that old!

The first time I ever ate at a Kosher deli I ordered pastrami and Swiss on rye. Oops. The waitress stared at me for a minute, apparently decided I wasn’t being a wiseass, and explained why they couldn’t serve that.

Fast forward a few years and I am heading to Tel Aviv on a business trip. I am all worried about repeating my faux pas in a less forgiving environment, so I study up on Kosher rules. Sit down to my first dinner after landing, look over the menu, and see shrimp wrapped in bacon in a cream sauce. Strike one, strike two, and strike three. Never had to worry about Kosher rules the entire trip.

There was a kosher deli near us that would sell me a corned beef and Swiss on rye, but only if I promised it was for take-out and that I wouldn’t unwrap the separately wrapped cheese and put it on my sandwich until after I left the premises.

So I’m guessing the “Krusty the Clown” sandwich (ham, bacon, and sausage with a smidge of mayo on white bread) wouldn’t be kosher.

Wolfgang Puck. We lose more jews each year in just this way…