I know it’s an Amino Acid, but what I would like to know is if any of you are taking it to help curb cravings and if it is working for you? I would like to use it as a supplement to my Low-Carb diet?
I know it’s an Amino Acid, but what I would like to know is if any of you are taking it to help curb cravings and if it is working for you? I would like to use it as a supplement to my Low-Carb diet?
I have taken L-glutamine for years to “stabilize things down under.” I have never noticed any lessening of appetite whatsoever. I would not believe any claim of lessening cravings one bit.
In fact…
Since is “stabilizes” my system, I get more nutrition out of what I do eat, so I tend to gain weight. Esp. going over 1000mg. (Tried as high as 3Kmg.)
The best way to reduce cravings is called “Willpower”.
Try it. (Plus it’s free!)
The only use that I know of for the stuff is to put it in the media used for tissue culture. The cells seem to like it, but I’ve never tried it myself.
I just got told by the local competetive bodybuilder/nutrition store employee that the latest research indicates to use the other kind, the one that starts with a p. I’m sorry, but I forget the name.
You may want to look here .