La bamba lyrics

this about the lyrics of la bamba

Your translation is a bit off
Gracia means grace, not funny. I have taken a high school spanish for 2 years and know this. How did u get funny anyways?
funny makes no sense at all(at least to me).
just figured you should know

What’s the classic song “La Bamba” all about?

*gracia[i/] is grace.

gracioso can mean funny.
But, there may be some usages I’m not aware of.

What’s Spanish for dyslexic coding?

go to and see(I’m to lazy to go myself and you know the saying: give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime)

I thought the saying was: “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll spend all day drinking beer in a boat.”

You’re right, it is a bit off. But not in the way that you think, gringo. It would be better to use “humor”, “sense of humor”, or “wit” instead of “funny”. But that IS roughly what the song is saying. It’s not supposed to mean “grace”, although if you rely on some translations that you can find on the net (probably from people who took 2 years of Spanish in High School and are pretty sure of themselves) you can certainly get that impression.

I knew this couldn’t be the first time this has come up…

yeah… I read that a few days ago. I figured I’d just keep quiet. and hope it goes away