LA Fest Part II - The Final Decisions

I think it’s going to be pretty easy to spot me. I don’t know exactly what I’ll do yet, but I do know it will be fairly obvious.


Well, I doubt Esprix will object to lots and lots of nekkidity… :wink:

I am so there. :smiley:

Mmmm… Monster104 and KKBattousai nekkid… Mmmm…


No, Esprix, NO! You don’t know what you’re doing! NO-O-O-O-O!!!

Shuddup, Spoofe. if Esprix wants to hit on me, let 'im hit on me. No point ruining his fun.

*Originally posted by Ashtar *

It all depends on what time the DF is expected to wrap up. I mean, I have no objection to lots and lots of driving (though LA to Arizona is a pain in the ass, literally), though I do object to lots and lots of driving while asleep. I am good at staying awake at the wheel though, so as long as things are done by, say, 1:00 I have no qualms. Um, that being said, could you give me an address to MapQuest so I know what I’m getting myself into?

And speaking of getting into things, Esprix, AudreyK is officially the guardian of my honor and cough chastity, and she doesn’t give in easily. Or cheaply. Trust me. :wink:
[sub]Man, I’m in trouble now…[/sub]

Hey, we have it in writing, folks. {cracking knucles} I gots me some work to do… :wink:

Speaking of - Audrey, what’s the going rate for a KKB these days? Let’s talk turkey, hon… :wink:

Esprix, looking forward to this little shindig

Esprix, I’m afraid the price might be on the high side. See, KKBs aren’t at all easy to find. And I’ve become rather fond of this one in particular…

But on the other hand, I have nothing but respect for you.

Tell ya what: I’ll let you name your price. :smiley:

Ashtar, if we do end up driving you, I look forward to meeting you.

I have 17 confirmed, 4 maybes, and 2 unheard from. This is turning out to be pretty decent.

Oh, and Esprix…don’t get your hopes up too much. Despite what Doob says, I’m quite straight. Sorry. :slight_smile:

Ditto. And since I am quite certain that AudreyK <veiled warning> does not want to walk all the way to Vegas </veiled warning>, the price might prove to be quite prohibitive.

Oh, and Ashtar, I MapQuested the distance from my humble abode to the Imax, and it turns out to be a tad long at 120 miles. For a 45 minute movie. This means, unfortunately, that I’m not going to be in your 'hood come Dopefest day. Sorry 'bout that. :frowning:

BTW, Monster put me down as confirmed. I’ve become horrible at checking the email account I’m registered at the boards under. See y’all there.

Sure, you both say that now, but will you respect me in the morning? :wink: (Hey, at least I don’t have to worry about you bragging to your friends about it! :D)

Regardless of your protestations, my skills are well honed. Besides, I love to see straight guys squirm, either by my pleasurable physical ministrations or my audacious, flirtatious parlance of wit. :wink:



That’s big talk…hope you can back it up, because this straight guy doesn’t squirm easily. :slight_smile:

No worries, friend! I’m gonna try to be there anyways. So I guess Monster Can go ahead and put me down as ‘Confirmed’ if he hasn’t already!

…and Audrey, I’ll look forward to meeting you, too. :slight_smile:

Ok, I’m going to be out of town until friday evening, but keep confirming while I’m gone! I’ll finish adding it up when I get back.

Hey, is this still happening?

Well I’ll be there. And really, don’t you want to see me in bowling shoes? :wink:


Well everyone, I’m back, and ready to rock the house at this fest.

Jab1, yes this is still on. I have 19 confirmed so far and 3 maybes.

I went to a Jeeps Unlimited gathering last night. My '46 Willys was dwarfed by the YJs and TJs the others brought. I even made it home before it started raining.

I forgot to look… What are the directions to the Dopefest from West L.A.?

Johnny, I thought you liked the rain!

If there are any fans of science-fiction and/or fantasy in the group, you should know that the best bookstore in the Valley, Dangerous Visions, is also on Ventura Boulevard, just a mile west of Jerry’s Deli, near Woodman. They have a website:

I haven’t been there in ages, and I think I’ll drop by before the fest.