Labor Day Plans of "24" Fans


FX network to feature 24-hour ‘24’ marathon

August 15, 2002 Posted: 10:15 AM EDT (1415 GMT)

“HOLLYWOOD, California (Reuters) – Insomniac fans of Fox’s “24,” rejoice: Sister cabler FX will air the Kiefer Sutherland actioner’s entire first season for 24 hours straight during Labor Day weekend, Variety reports.”

The show will be running from midnight, Saturday the 31st through Sunday the 1st.
The DVD set will be on sale two weeks later.



Been there, done that.

:high fives KTK:

Done, and done. Except for “10pm-11pm,” which I failed to record properly.

Man, that was a weird day. For the characters, and for me.

Holy crap! How did I fail to turn my sig on for that post?

Just a reminder for anyone out there who might be considering the challenge.

Whoa. This is cool as hell!!

When you watch it in real time, it’s interesting to watch the sun rise in Jack’s world…as it also rises in mine.

It’s gonna be a long day. :slight_smile:

I would have thought that watching the whole thing in one sitting would emphasise how weak the plot was. Spread out over five months, you tend to forget the mismatches betwen the late and early episodes. Such as Nina being the sleeper. And after Bauer was intructed to kill her. Come on, Mr Director, credit the viewers with some intelligence. And all the loose ends! The series didn’t come to a conclusion, it just stopped. Still, lots of material for tomorrow.

I watched the whole series but began losing interest half way through - too contrived, too improbable - only hanging on out of curiosity and in the hope that the spectacularly selfish and annoying brat, Kim, would get killed.

Mind you, the body count was phenomenal; in one day’s operations, the casualty list approached that of a small war.:smiley:


Dude…I didn’t get to see the last 5 episodes during the regular season because my TiVo crapped out!

I had been waiting for the DVD, but an opportunity such as today’s was too good to pass up.

[sub]Yes, I know I shouldn’t whine…It is almost the start of season2. [/sub]

I shall avenge this defilement! :smiley:

That’s priceless. Do you have any idea how much ribbing Munch and I took for not using TiVo to tape our episodes? I think most of it was lost to the Winter of Our Missed Content, but it seemed like anytime one or the other of us had a little glitch in our taping, somebody would come in and say, “Hey, guys, just go buy a TiVo.”

With all due respect for your loss, dude, I still have to laugh.

What a day.

I am now sitting in a sleep-deprived stupor at work so rather than 24, I will be up for 36-40 hours…Jack had it easy. :stuck_out_tongue:
As far as the TiVo goes…I still stick by it. Lightning ran in on it during the original airing of the 7-8PM episodes, and I missed a week. Then I ended up missing another week while I waited for the replacement, and I was out of town on job interviews. Thus, I just decided to wait and buy the DVD, rather than have 2 blank hours.

And to answer Go Alien’s question: No, it did not make the plot seem weak at all. Quite the opposite in fact. (To me at least)

When I was watching it week by week, I had 7 days to ponder every little thing about the episode. When watching it as a whole, I didn’t have time to critique every moment.

not a spoiler
The most glaring thing I noticed while watching was when the 6-7 PM episode ends, the sun is hanging low, then when the 7-8PM episode starts, they need flashlights.

All in all it was really cool. Bring on season 2!*
[sub]*Question: Is it true they are changing the format of the show for season 2? I heard that nasty rumour somwhere, but I didn’t want to check 24 threads for fear of SPOILERS. glares at Go Alien[/sub] :wink:

No, Spit, from everything I hear, season 2 will be in real-time format same as season 1. In fact, episode 1 of season 2 will be aired commercial-free thanks to the sponsorship of (I think) Ford.

Feel free to read the 24 Club Season 2 thread for slightly more information.

I’d second Spit’s comment that watching it all the way through glazes over any plot weaknesses, as things are going too fast to analyze. It’s when you watch something every 7 days can you pick apart every detail and fault. When you watch it all at once, it’s the storyline that you’re paying attention to, rather than the minute details.

I’d also second KneadToKnow’s scoffing at Spit’s experience with TiVo. Ha ha! That sucks dude, but it’s funny.

If you need any replacement tapes, let me know. I’m going to buy the DVD, so these tapes are dead to me. Someone might as well get some use out of them.

The only format change for season two is that the time frame will be 8:00 am to 8:00 am, rather than midnight to midnight.

I watched it all yesterday!
Boy, I’m tired…

Yeah, I guess I’m checking that box on my organ-donor card, too. Though I have to say, those four tapes are like war buddies to me by now. The Four Horsemen of Sleep Deprivation. :smiley:

Oh, thank God! At least next May we can watch it after a good night’s sleep!!

Spit, sorry, I deserve your glare. :o I assumed that the first series was pretty well known to all. I nearly posted a request for spoilers a while back because I was getting fed with the way 24 was taking off into further and further flights of fantasy, and was hoping that Kim would die.:mad: