Ladies and Gents - The July Surprise. On Schedule.

And for those pulling the “You’re just a bunch of bullshitting Miss Cleos!” keep in mind that some of you asked for specific predictions. And people gave them.

My own personal one was a terror alert within three days of the start or end of the DNC.

The fact that the Paks weren’t able to produce a sexy enough target isn’t my fault or problem.

-Joe, oops I did it again.

It will interesting to see if, God forbid, the shrub gets re-elected and in his next term Pakistan gets it’s much wanted F 16s or doesn’t get the “whole nuclear mess” shoved up it’s ass. I doubt that they are dumb enough to act on any otherwise difficult to prove promises until being safely re-elected.

Oh, for pity’s sake. Remember how everyone was complaining about how “convenient” it was that Saddam had been captured when he was?

Except that any time would be a convenient time to capture Saddam! Any time a…what was the term of art again…ah, yes, “HVT” is captured, it is convenient for the Bush administration. Its all convenient.

Eh, if Cheney and Karl Rove were sitting around a few months ago and decided that they were doing such a crap job of capturing terrorists that they were in danger of losing the election, so maybe they oughta step up the pace to look good, well that just proves that elections are a good thing. And I can’t get really outraged that they tried to play up the capture of some terrorist during the Convention. That isn’t exactly a dirty trick to me, just standard partisan sleaze of a mostly innocuous sort, similar to playing up some random brownian motion uptick in the economic indicators.

Clearly, lissener and I are not destined to be soaping each other up in a warm shower anytime soon.

But if, indeed, I’m doing what he suggests I am, then it would seem appropriate to point it out when it happens, thus disarming me instantly and exposing my misdirection for what it is.


  • Rick

Today is Sunday, the convention ended Thursday. Again, within 3 days of either end, as I predicted… .
