Ladies, do you like reciving oral sex? (TMI)

Maybe women need to know it’s okay for the guy because many men do feel like labia and vaginas are unpleasant up close and personal, or else don’t volunteer for oral favors. I’ve hung out with enough guys to know that lots do feel like that.

Unfortunately, some men do it for about one minute and move on to something else, which reinforces the idea.

I used to feel the “vulnerable” thing, and I find oral much more intimate than vaginal sex.

I, do, however, enjoy it like nothing else.

I’ll take your word for it that they exist (I’ve honestly never encountered one IRL), but IMO they fall squarely into the category of “men I wouldn’t have sex with.” I can’t help thinking that any man who finds female genitalia “unpleasant” should perhaps reconsider his heterosexuality.

From what I’ve heard from men, they find female genitalia exciting, fascinating, and completely attractive (taste, smell, touch, all of it). Why wouldn’t they? It’s new and foreign to them, like penises are for women. As George Carlin put it, girls got something for the boys, and boys got something for the girls.

I am also saddened to hear of so many women who don’t particularly care for their own bodies.

I’ve always enjoyed giving head, but when I first became sexually active I didn’t like the idea of anyone going down on me – I was in the “how could anyone enjoy that?” camp. Happily, though, I continued to mature, and in my early 20s I got into a purely physical relationship with a guy in his late 30s: he was very experienced, and definitely knew what he was doing (those were the days… sigh). I learned a lot from him, including a lot about myself and my sexuality.

Since then I’ve never stopped anyone from going “down there,” and luckily all of the guys I’ve been with who I’d want to be with again have offered without any prompting on my part. Men are awesome. :slight_smile:

I find it to be much more intimate than regular sex, and there are some feelings of vulnerability involved. But I feel so secure and happy with my man that it’s never been an issue and I can just enjoy it.

And wow, do I enjoy it.

Happily, he enjoys it too, because if it felt like it was being done out of a sense of duty, I know I wouldn’t be able to get any fun out of it. But honestly, there are some days when I just want to skip all the preliminaries and get right down to the sex, and he’ll actually pout. :slight_smile:

I am a very happy woman.

I so have to meet you someday. :wink:

Me. When I first started having sex, I was with a dude who would heave and pant while doing it, then when he was done get up and make a loud “woosh!” and excuse himself to go wash his mouth out. I should have just kicked him in the ass at that moment and never came back but it was my first experience with sex so how was I to know? This went on for about 3 years.

I then dated a guy who told me how much he loved it and I let him do it but only when we were really clean (shower or hot tub first) and still probably didn’t do it as often as he’d wanted, and I didn’t ever particularly enjoy it.

I’ve dated guys since then who tell me how much they love to do it but I think I just have some sort of mental block about the action. I just feel so lonely and fat all the way up there on the pillow by myself, lying there staring at his head over my fat belly. I would MUCH rather have the guy up close in my face and feeling his entire body against mine.

Finally I’m with a guy who isn’t obsessed with oral and doesn’t mind that I don’t enjoy it. I do love to go down on guys and he is quite happy with that (although HE doesn’t crave it much either). It works out very nicely.

I’m glad we understand each other. :smiley:

Yes, I like it now.
My first husband would try it for a few minutes and gag and spit and so ruin the mood that I thought I must not like it, either. He also hated getting oral sex, which puzzled me to no end. After the inevitable divorce, I met a man older than me who made me feel delicious. Even though things ended badly with him, I still appreciate the things I discovered with him.

I love your sig line. Just sayin’…

I’m amazed at the number of women who are even remotely squicked out about this. I loooooooove oral sex. Giving and receiving. It is more intimate than intercourse but what a wonderful gift to give your partner. Aren’t girl parts amazing? mmmmmmmmmmm! :wink:

I don’t like it much.

I am perfectly at home with my body, don’t feel vulnerable with my husband, who is good at it, but its…


Giggle, giggle, shudder.

So not very on-turning for me, sorry!

Hahaha. That’s hilarious. Hmm, there’s a way to ask someone to go down on you. “Hey, hon, want to get hot and squishy?”

I like giving and receiving. But I don’t want it every time, any more than I want anything every time. Variety is the spice of life. And sex!

That said, I don’t prefer to orgasm that way. I find it …unfulfilling, however powerful the orgasm may be. Odd? Perhaps. But we’ve found ways to work around it.

The other thing I can’t BEAR are the little tendrils of air that puff from his nostrils and go curling around my naughty bits. Oooogh! I am just too, too ticklish!

I’m not a fan. It’s a power thing for me. I hate being powerless and I feel that way when receiving. I have to override my brain to reach orgasm and it just doesn’t happen frequently.

On the other hand, it’s a power thing. Meaning I like having the power so I’m a fan of the giving side of oral. I like waking my husband up in the dead of night that way. He likes it too, obviously, but I think he has no idea why I like doing it. It’s because he’s sleepy and confused and it’s easy to completely control his orgasm.

Welcome to my strange, strange psyche.

Count me among the women who like it, but need to be sure the guy enjoys it too. I would feel selfish and nasty if I found out he didn’t enjoy it, but did it purely to satisfy me.

Yes exactly. I had a girl once offer me some “Flavored Gel” to supposedly make the experience better (for me) I told her in no uncertain terms to get that crap out of my face. If you want to use it on me, please do, but otherwise: “No thanks!”

(All of the above said was done so in a playful manner of course.)

Sort of related to the powerlessness issue, it’s just too passive for me usually. I dunno, sexual ADHD or something, but I tend to feel so not involved it’s hard to keep my mind from wandering and taking me right out of the moment.