Hate to sound like a world-class wuss, but Carnac really needs a good facial moisterizer.
During the winter months, in particular, my skin is drier that a Southern Baptist convention. I’ve tried the likes of Vaseline Intensive Care, Nivea and various other hand & body moisterizers, but they’re so heavy that my skin breaks out.
Okay, let’s say I’m willing to spend, say, $20-$25 for maybe 6-8 ounces of the good stuff, thinking that a bottle that size will last a couple of months.
What’s the hands-down best moisterizer you can recommend?
This site was recommended on another thread a while back, and I have found it to be really useful. Unfortunately I cannot remember who recommended it, so…thank you person whose name I have forgotten.
It is a list of products, all nice and rated. To get to the section for moisterizers, use the first drop-down menu until you see the category. Then it will come up with a good list so you can read the ratings from other users to your hearts content.
I myself use Oil of Olay, for combination skin. Dosent leave me all sticky yet the flakyness of winter skin is gone. yippee
When I was on acne medication that made my face peel like an onion, my dermatologist recommended Cetaphil cleanser and lotion. It’s rather expensive - about $13 for a 16 oz. pump bottle - but it works very well and I still use it after I clean my face or shave. It’s non-comedogenic, meaning it doesn’t clog pores, so it shouldn’t cause breakouts, and it hasn’t given me any problems.
But moisturizing is the extent of my metrosexuality. The rest of my life would make the Fab Five faint.
Personally, I like St. Ives skin care products. The moisturizer is very light and feels almost silky when you put it on, but it’s strong enough to quell the scaly patches I get on my cheeks a lot during the winter. It’s dye-free, fragrance-free, and oil-free, non-comedogenic (won’t clog your pores), and hasn’t been tested on animals. The best part is that it’s something like $3 a bottle (I don’t remember exactly, I’ve been using the same bottle for over two years) so if you try it and hate it, you’re not out a whole lot.
Have you tried Nivea-for-Men Face Care Daily Protective Lotion?
It’s formulated specifically for the face, is oil-free and SPF 15 (Kyan would weep with joy if he found it in your bathroom!). It even smells pleasantly manly.
Sorbalene: $5/kg. If it’s too gluggy you can water it down by adding… water! It can also be used as a replacement for soap and it doesn’t dry your skin. Lightly dry off after your shower and apply in all the important places.
Otherwise, the best moisturiser I ever met is Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion (aka the yellow one). Ooooh!
My dear, dear Jax, just asking you folks for a facial moisterizer took all the nerve I could possibly muster.
The day I start using “eye rescue cream” will also see 4 horseman galloping down from the heavens, President Bush’s Iraq finally making ANY sense, and pot-bellied pigs nabbing the Olympic gold medal in the 100-meter dash.
Lubriderm is my moisturizer of choice. It’s not heavy or greasy at all, it absorbs quickly, and does a really great job on my ultra-dry skin, especially in winter. I also like using Cetaphil as a cleanser, it doesn’t leave my face dry.